โพสต์เมื่อ 8 ก.ค. 2558 | 07:49 น.

The Rock (Dwayne Johnson)
ของ เดอะร็อค (ดเวย์น จอห์นสัน)

When my partner in grind @kevinhart4real shows up on our #CentralIntelligence set and tells me it's his birthday, I respond in the most compassionate, sweet and loving way I know how... F*ck your birthday. #BrotherlyLove #HappyBirthdayRockstar #UnicornsAndMiddleFingers; -
Here's 15 seconds on the pre game pump up video Head Coach Jill Ellis asked me to deliver to our Women's National Soccer Team yesterday before they took the field. I got fired up. They became World Champions. Very proud of our girls.. #ImaHoldTheCussWords #USWNT #WorldChampions; -
Wakin' up at that "you gotta be sh*ttin' me" hour. AM cardio starts now, then breakfast, then strength/conditioning training, then head to set to shoot all day. The hustle is real.. so is this gorilla breath. #HardestWorkersInTheRoom #3CupsOfUnleadedShouldDoTheTrick #AndAShotOfListerine #LetsRoll; -
Whether it's from playing hard or partying hard.. there's always a price we pay. Next week on #BALLERS 10pm on HBO.; -
The hustle is real.. and so is temptation. #StayFocused #BALLERS TONIGHT 10pm on HBO.;
When US Women's National Soccer Team Head Coach Jill Ellis asked me to deliver a pre-game pump up speech I was honored. I got fired up, cussed a little (of course) and I think I got the point across - they're warriors, rock stars and they're the greatest in the world at what they do and remember how much they've inspired an entire country. Chase and achieve that greatness ladies... and bring it on home. Proud of y'all.. #SheBelieves #WeBelieve #USWNT; -
Happy 4th from the Iron Paradise... #SweatinAlreadyLikeImOnCrack #JustWarmingUp #HardestWorkersInTheRoom #LetsRoll; -
Callin' these the "4th of July F*ck Its".. #KettleBellWarmUps #106lbs #GorillaMitts #TakeMyHand #OffToNeverNeverLand #IronParadise; -
Heading into this big weekend #SanAndreas is enjoyin' some good success ($150million+ domestically and $450 million+ worldwide) - that said from our #SanAndreasFamily to yours.. THANK Y'ALL for enjoying our movie and HAPPY INDEPENDENCE DAY. #4thOfJulyCelebration #Family #Gratitude #DominatingRedMeat #AndAShotOr4OfJackDaniels; -
Best part of my job.. #FanLove #HappyBirthdayDarlin #LongArmSelfieKing #SorryForTheSweatyAssHug #Boston;
#TBT Attracted to my natural animal pheromones... #AnimalFamily #MyOasis #OurFarm #CountryBoysCanSurvive; -
Just heard some dope news.. THANK YOU LATIN AMERICA for making #SanAndreas Warner Bros' BIGGEST MOVIE OF ALL TIME eclipsing every Batman, Superman and Harry Potter. We knew #SanAndreas was the "underdog" considering it's not a big franchise or superhero movie, so this success means the world to us. Muchas gracias, love y'all and see ya down the road. #SanAndreas #GlobalSuccess #Grateful #IWillNowGoCelebrate #ByContinuingToKickThisCardiosAss; -
"Beneath still waters, there's a strong undertow. Surface won't tell you what the deep waters know.." #WaxinThatPoetic #AndDrinkinThatJackDaniels #BALLERS SUNDAY NIGHTS 10pm on HBO.; -
After shootin' a great 14hr day of action, the Fire Department shuts down our production (legit) due to a potential fire.. and now I gotta deal with @kevinhart4real's mouth screwin' up my video to y'all with his bad language. Truth is we're having the greatest time on this movie and it feels like we're making something iconic and special. Can't wait for y'all to see it... #WatchYourMouth #OrIWillSlapTheShitOuttaYou #KevinHartGetsAngry #RockStartsLaughing #CentralIntelligence SUMMER 2016.; -
Bad to the bone... #HisNameIsBob #AndHeDoesNotLikeBullies #OnSet #CentralIntelligence MAY 2016.;
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