โพสต์เมื่อ 3 ก.ค. 2558 | 06:45 น.

The Rock (Dwayne Johnson)
ของ เดอะร็อค (ดเวย์น จอห์นสัน)

"Beneath still waters, there's a strong undertow. Surface won't tell you what the deep waters know.." #WaxinThatPoetic #AndDrinkinThatJackDaniels #BALLERS SUNDAY NIGHTS 10pm on HBO.; -
After shootin' a great 14hr day of action, the Fire Department shuts down our production (legit) due to a potential fire.. and now I gotta deal with @kevinhart4real's mouth screwin' up my video to y'all with his bad language. Truth is we're having the greatest time on this movie and it feels like we're making something iconic and special. Can't wait for y'all to see it... #WatchYourMouth #OrIWillSlapTheShitOuttaYou #KevinHartGetsAngry #RockStartsLaughing #CentralIntelligence SUMMER 2016.; -
Bad to the bone... #HisNameIsBob #AndHeDoesNotLikeBullies #OnSet #CentralIntelligence MAY 2016.; -
Great #BALLERS piece in the NEW YORK TIMES (Anna North) about the cautionary tale we explore in our show about NFL players all too often winding up broke cause they weren't smart with their money. Our characters enjoy the ballin' high life.. they also suffer from ballin' out of control & poor decisions. "Money.. especially football money.. has a way of running out." #BeSmart #ItGoesFast #BALLERS SUNDAYS 10pm on @HBO.; -
Keep it nasty, heavy and iron. (And if you ever see me in this happy state while I'm training then kindly leave me the f*ck alone). #RockyMountainWay;
Rock ain't ever dead.. I've been lucky enough to grace every popular magazine cover in the world - and now for the first time ever.. #ESQUIRE. We wanted to create a bad ass and iconic cover that also reflected the open and real interview I conducted on the inside. Think you guys will really dig it and thank y'all (as always ) for all the love. #ESQUIRE #RipItAllAway #ROCKIconIssue AUG 2015.; -
Deep down inside, we're all straight hustlers... On the next episode of #BALLERS. SUNDAY NIGHT 10pm on @HBO.; -
What happens when me and my partner in grind @kevinhart4real are hanging 50ft in the air ready to shoot our massive action scene and we both decide to pull our phones out at the same time to capture the moment for y'all... #FuckYourVideo #MyFansWillKickTheShitOuttaYourFans #WeAreAngryForOneReason #WeCanNoLongerFeelOurBallsInThisHarness #GetReadyToHaveFunWorld #CentralIntelligence COMING MAY 2016.; -
You made our #BALLERS premiere a "must see" event. Now we settle into our season. Enjoy... TONIGHT at 10pm on @HBO. #BALLERS; -
Tonight there's no greater feeling than completely surprising my #WWE Universe family by showing up unannounced at a live event. #ElectrifyingMoment #CrowdGoesWild #AndByWildIMeanApeShit #PeopleGoHomeHappy #PeoplesChampGoesHomeGrateful #BostonStrong #Fam4Life;
Things may come to those who wait, but only the things left by those who hustle. #BALLERS SUNDAY NIGHTS at 10pm on HBO. Join us.. #HustleHard #BallOut #BALLERS; -
On set shootin' w/ my brotha @kevinhart4real havin' a blast while hangin' 50ft in the air.. #HesTalkinShitCauseHeKnowsICantReachHim #JustWaitTilWeGetDown #PimpSlapTime #WeCanNoLongerFeelOurBallsInThisHarness #GetReadyWorld #ActionComedyGrind #CentralIntelligence SUMMER 2016.; -
Wanted to show good bud ESPN's Scott Van Pelt my favorite part of my house - my brand new, one of kind in the world...#BALLERS SPORTS CENTER in house production studio. And this is what he does.. #YouBreakItYouBuyIt #ThisDeskWasMadeFromUnbornTigersEye #ItsPriceless #DammitScott #DaDaDa #DaDaDa #BALLERS SUNDAY NIGHTS 10pm on HBO.; -
#TBT A complex kinda dude. Fresh out of prison, grills other people's grill body parts, robs an armored truck, shoots off big toe, high on every hard core drug known to man, tossin' around Miami cops and eventually finds Jesus. After being tranquilized. #PaulDoyle #ComplicatedBunny #PainAndGain 2013.; -
The coolest thing about playing this character is I can develop him over time. Something new for me, considering it's over the course of an entire season. He's not a hero who comes in and saves the world, but a man who shines hard in some areas of his life, and struggles like hell in others. But either way, like all of us - he keeps on keepin' on and forges ahead. Thank y'all so much for making #BALLERS the highest rated half hour show on HBO in years (since 2009). We made a good show, and as the season progresses we want to achieve greatness. We'll see y'all every SUNDAY NIGHT at 10pm on HBO. Enjoy the show and keep ballin'...;
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