Nalle enjoying the ️ (mom catch up with you later, her neck and back is not good today, it was a tough day yesterday) Instagram @mysmammi 48

Elton -what mom i'm okey are you Elton are almost as usual again he has been eating and drinking my sweet little boy️ Thank you so much for all lovely comments yesterday️️We Love yaa all️ Happy tuesday️️️ Instagram @mysmammi 92

Repost from @peludothecat via @igrepost_app, . Valentine's Contest! It's almost Valentine's Day so we decided to make a contest for all the pets! Want to win amazing prizes like a shoutout, TOYS or TREATS? Just follow the rules below Follow all the hosts️ @2catsmeow @mysmammi @floracats @omega.pets @peludothecat @shasta.cat @theholychubbs @simbathefluffy ️Post the cutest photo of your pet with the hashtag #valentines_day_contest, and write why do you want to win, and also tag 3 active accounts that would like to join️ We will choose 3 lucky winners Winners can win a shoutout on all the hosts page, toys or treats, or also a spam The contest will ends Friday 13th Winners will be announced Saturday 14th 🚦1, 2, 3 GO!🚦 Instagram @mysmammi 57

Amanda -update on Elton He is home again he has been at the vet almost all day he needed liquid and he has urinary tract inflammation because of the stress with the new kittens mom talked to the breeder today and decided to take the kittens back to her it was a hard decision They are the most adorable babies but all in the family must feel good, mom Loves Elton to much, so she did it for him️ and maybe it is enough with 6 babies when she is a single mom. So sorry for this news it's all about the Love to her fur babies (mom will try to catch up with you soon must take care of the babies and herself ) Instagram @mysmammi 371

Valentine's Contest! It's almost Valentine's Day so we decided to make a contest for all the pets! Want to win amazing prizes like a shoutout, TOYS or TREATS? Just follow the rules below Follow all the hosts️ @2catsmeow @mysmammi @floracats @omega.pets @peludothecat @shasta.cat @theholychubbs @simbathefluffy ️Repost this pic with the hashtag #valentines_day_contest, and write why do you want to win️ We will choose 3 lucky winners Winners can win a shoutout on all the hosts page, toys or treats, or also a spam The contest will ends Friday 13th Winners will be announced Saturday 14th 🚦1, 2, 3 GO!🚦 Instagram @mysmammi 3

Ronja this little girl has been making muffins on the pillow and is now sleeping (Elton is not eating or drinking yet so i have started giving him water and wet food with a syringe it's so hard to see him like this) Instagram @mysmammi 216

Rasmus -no mom i don't want talk about the girls they are 🐀🐀 Instagram @mysmammi 79

Melinda & Ronja Elton is not eating or drinking yet Instagram @mysmammi 154

My beautiful boys Thank you so much for this beautiful edit @barbara_donohue Love it️ Instagram @mysmammi 63

Ronja too cute for words she has her tail on the back when she walk it's so cute nothing is wrong with her tail maybe so she know where it is Instagram @mysmammi 123

Elton Poor Elton he is so scared i really hope it gets better my little baby boy️ Instagram @mysmammi 76

Ronja mom has giving us names, it was so diffcult but it will be Ronja & Melinda we hope you like itI have more white on the back and is a tough girl my sister Melinda has more black on the back and is more shy, that is why she took me too so we have each other Thank you so much for all name suggestions️ (mom has her hands full now but she will catch up with later) Happy caturday Instagram @mysmammi 91

Amanda -we need your help to give these little names Two maching names for girls -mom says i'm a good girl because i do not care of these little i'm only look at them But Elton is so scared for them Rasmusis such a good boy dosen't care at all (we Love ) Instagram @mysmammi 95

Mom has been out on a trip today and visit these babies and guess what she came home with two of them both girls no name on them yet. The one on the left and the one on the right we have a crazy mom Instagram @mysmammi 108

Amanda -where's the pawty Instagram @mysmammi 152

Rasmus -mom i don't think flowers need water in the winter but i need treat every day Instagram @mysmammi 101

Baltiz -i see yaa Elton Instagram @mysmammi 147

Lilla My -no i don't need to be brushed Have lovely day️️ (we catch up with you later) Instagram @mysmammi 58

Elton-damn birds woke me up Instagram @mysmammi 60

Rasmus Happy whiskers wednesday Instagram @mysmammi 32