Lilla My i have tested r-c senior consult stage 2 and i eat it with my regular food, it's better for my kidneysHappy caturday️️️ Instagram @mysmammi 131

Amanda -i feel so pink (IG has closed down all day but we hope it works now) Instagram @mysmammi 160

Elton-yes mom i know it's friday Have a great day️️️ #tgif Instagram @mysmammi 146

Amanda tired meowdel Instagram @mysmammi 136

Rasmus Love️ Instagram @mysmammi 92

Baltiz -you have so much fluff my little (we️) ( mom catch up with you later) Instagram @mysmammi 111

Elton -no birdies mom Have a nice day️ Instagram @mysmammi 135

Amanda my doll Instagram @mysmammi 149

Rasmys lovely boy️ Instagram @mysmammi 129

Nalle - sorry mom can't look i'm waiting for a call Instagram @mysmammi 118

Lilla My & Amanda Lovely girls Have a purrrfect day️️️ (mom catch up with you later, laundry today) Instagram @mysmammi 57

Amanda -its tuesday today Update on Lilla My the vet called yesterday about the blodtests, and the renal values was a bit higher than last time. She refuse to eat special diet so it's diffcult but otherwise she is healthy Instagram @mysmammi 112

Rasmus -mom hurry up with your️ i want my treat Instagram @mysmammi 160

Elton -i'm helping my mom with the insurance paper for Lilla My's visit to the vet yesterday i'm such a good boy Instagram @mysmammi 93

Baltiz -must wash my little Have a great day (we ️) Instagram @mysmammi 54

Baltiz Nalle & Elton this is the best spot in the winter️️️ Instagram @mysmammi 21

Lilla My -idag har vi varit på #västradjursjukhuset för en injektion mot atros och för blodprover.#selfie ️ Today we have been to the animal hospital for blood test and for the injection for osteorthritis, she only weighs 2,5 kilo but she is eats good Have a great day Instagram @mysmammi 140

Elton -no mom i don't think you fit my basket Instagram @mysmammi 189

Rasmus -mom you need help if you belive you can call with thisit's only works for furbabies Instagram @mysmammi 139

Baltiz Have a lazy sunday Instagram @mysmammi 66