Bindi mastering his loaf skills. He's such a wonderful kitten. #bindicat #bicolour #cats #pets #kitty #kitten #oriental #orientalcat #siameseandorientalcats #meow #neko #gato #jerseyshore #catsofinstagram #instagood #intstagramhub #love #cute Instagram @hobbikats 180

The kids are alright! Bindi and Stache are getting better every day and as I type this are taking turns chasing each other around the house. I wish I had time to reply to everyone, you make our days! #stachecat #bindicat #orientalcat #oriental #siameseandorientalcats #cats #catsofinstagram #kitten #kitty #pet #cute #jerseyshore #neko #gato #instagram #instagrampetphotos #instagramhub Instagram @hobbikats 425

The boys enjoying some sun together. They were doing good until Bindi decided Stache's tail was corn on the cob. Happy Caturday. #caturday #oriental #orientalcat #cat #pet #instagood #instagramhub #siameseandorientalcats #meezer #bicolor #bindicat #jerseyshore #gato #neko #cute #cats #love Instagram @hobbikats 288

Stache looks like I caught him in the act of causing trouble! #stache #oriental #cat #cute #catsofinstagram #kitty #kitten #meow #adorable #instagood #instagramhub #meow #funny #jerseyshore #bicolour Instagram @hobbikats 191

Thanks everyone for your suggestions in helping Stache adjust to the changes in our house. I'm showering him with lots of attention and love. I hope he will snap out of his funk soon. #stache #moustache #oriental #orientalshorthair #cat #meow #kitty #instagood #instalike #gato #neko #pet #cute #jerseyshore #catsofinstagram #catstagram Instagram @hobbikats 318

Sit still old man!! Romeo is so patient getting a cleaning from Bindi boy. #adorable #cats #catsofinstagram #meow #kitten #cute #jerseyshore #meezer #petstagram #pets #kitty #neko #gato #oriental #orientalcat #siameseandorientalcats #seniorcat #oldmeezer #elderstatesman #instagrampetphotos Instagram @hobbikats 314

Stache has been acting a bit insecure the past few days since coming back from his stay at the vet and seems apprehensive when I try to give him attention. Any ideas how to build his confidence? #stache #bindicat #oriental #cat #kitty #meow #cats #instagood #catsofinstagram #catstagram #jerseyshore #neko #gato #meezer Instagram @hobbikats 361

I had all the windows open in Stacheland yesterday and it was quite glorious. I even watched Bindi growl at some of the neighbors walking dogs. He will be my guard cat! #orientalcat #oriental #instagood #internetcat #instagramhub #kitten #kitty #jerseyshore #cute #siameseandorientalcats #pet #love #gato #neko #instalike Instagram @hobbikats 258

Stache and Bindi love to hang out on the stairs I bought so Romeo could climb up into my bed since it's so high! #instagood #instagramhub #orientalcat #oriental #siameseandorientalcats #stache #bindicat #cats #pets #meezer #meow #kitten #love #cute #catsofinstagram #neko #gato #jerseyshore #ilovemycat #funny #adorable Instagram @hobbikats 357

The 17year old and the 7 month old. Bindi has gotten the hang of sitting in front of the fireplace with Romeo quite well! #bindicat #romeo #cat #instagood #instagramhub #pet #oriental #cutecatsoninstagram #cute #love #meow #kitty #kitten #jerseyshore #siameseandorientalcats #meezer #ilovemycat #gato #neko Instagram @hobbikats 476

I took the cone of shame off Stache for a bit since he looked miserable & Bindi was picking on him something awful! #stachecat #stache #moustachecat #oriental #orientalcat #catsofinstagram #cats #catstache #meow #jerseyshore #cute #pets #neko #gato #adorable #instagrampetphotos #instagramhub #instagood Instagram @hobbikats 310

When in doubt, seek out the one who will comfort you. Romeo is working overtime comforting Stache while his rear end heals! He was licking it too much a it got all inflamed! #stache #stachecat #oriental #orientalcat #siameseandorientalcats #cats #jerseyshore #adorable #cute #meow #kitty #gato #neko Instagram @hobbikats 356

Ah Oriental Shorthair kittens. Bindi is full of energy at 6am helping me get ready for work. #bindicat #bindi #oriental #orientalcat #cats #cute #cutecatsoninstagram #neko #gato #adorable #kitten #meow #instagramhub #instagood #jerseyshore #siamese #meezer #catsofinstagram #pets #pettaksi Instagram @hobbikats 340

Today its Bindi's turn to spend some 1 on 1 time with Old Man Romeo! I have to say Romes doesnt mind him at all. He knows this guy will treat him gently like Stache does! #bindi #bindicat #orientalcat #oriental #siameseandorientalcats #orientalshorthair #aww #cats #cute #catsofinstagram #meezer #petstagram #pets #kitty #neko #gato #adorable #elderstatesman #seniorcat #oldmeezer #instagramhub #kitten #picoftheday Instagram @hobbikats 418

Bindi has the whole world in his hands! #bindi #bindicat #orientalcat #orientalshorthair #oriental #cats #catsofinstagram #cute #meow #adorable #jerseyshore #petstagram #kitten #kitty #love #instagramhu #gato #neko Instagram @hobbikats 305

This is how the boys spent Easter. #stachecat #bindicat #romeo #orientalcat #oriental #siameseandorientalcats #cats #catsofinstagram #adorable #cute #meow #love #jerseyshore #neko #gato #instagram #instagrampetphotos #instagramhub Instagram @hobbikats 514

This is how the boys spent Easter. #stachecat #bindicat #romeo #orientalcat #oriental #siameseandorientalcats #cats #catsofinstagram #adorable #cute #meow #love #jerseyshore #neko #gato #instagram #instagrampetphotos #instagramhub Instagram @hobbikats 514

Reunited and it feels so good. Going to take a few days off and try to catch up on photos and comments. #adorable #oriental #orientalcat #siameseandorientalcats #bindicat #stachecat #romeo #cats #catsofinstagram #neko #gato #pettaksi #pets #jerseyshore #instagramhub #kitty #kitten #love Instagram @hobbikats 323

My baby is home!!! He's acting like nothing ever happened. I love him so much and so glad I can share that with you. Xo Tina. #stache #stachecat #oriental #orientalcat #orientalshorthair #cats #catsofinstagram #siameseandorientalcats #neko #gato #pettaksi #instagood #instagramhub #jerseyshore #kitty Instagram @hobbikats 412

Mommy when is Stache coming home? Vet called this morning and said Stache is running a fever! And he's still not improving and they think he has a virus. I'm a wreck of course and I want him home already! This is taking its toll on me. #bindicat #orientalcat #oriental #siameseandorientalcats #cats #catsofinstagram #jerseyshore #neko #gato #petstagram #pets #ilovemycat Instagram @hobbikats 347