Busy week at work but at the end of the day i get to come home to a three ring circus starring these guys. #stache #stachecat #bindicat #oriental #orientalcat #gato #neko #hobbikats #siameseandorientalcats #cats #cat #instalike #instagrampetphotos #instagood #meow #kitty #jerseyshore Instagram @hobbikats 383

I hope everyone had a great weekend. Bindi boy grows more affectionate every day and can't seem to leave my side. #bindicat #oriental #orientalcat #siameseandorientalcats #cat #cats #neko #gato #pet #pets #pettaksi #catstagram #catsofinstagram #kitty #kiten #meow #meezer #cute #instagood #instalike #instagramhub #jerseyshore Instagram @hobbikats 224

Romeo must have known its Mother's Day here at the Jersey Shore because he managed to climb into bed and snuggle with me which he hasn't done in months! #romeo #oriental #elderstatesman #oldmeezer #seniorcat #cat #cats #pet #jerseyshore #ilovemycat #kitty #meow #gato #neko #meezer Instagram @hobbikats 150

Bindi and Stache are holding me captive in my bed! I figured why not share this moment with you. #bindicat #stachecat #cat #cats #cute #kitty #meow #oriental #orientalcat #love #jerseyshore #siameseandorientalcats #neko #gato #jerseyshore #adorable #instagood #instagramhub #instalike #pets #pettaksi Instagram @hobbikats 372

Bindi finally came up for air since he's a fan of digging under the covers when sleeping next to me. #bindi #bindicat #oriental #orientalcat #siameseandorientalcats #gato #neko #cat #cats #catstagram #catsofinstagram #instagood #instalike #instagramhub #jerseyshore #pet #pets #meow #kitty #kiten Instagram @hobbikats 224

Id like to persoanlly thank @kreepytiki_lounge_and_tattoos for doing such an amazing job on my new custom Vans! Please contact him for your own original artwork of your favorite pet! #stachecat #romeoandstache #oriental #orientalcat #cat #cats #catsofinstagram #meow #kitten #kitty #pet #pets #neko #gato #instagramhub #instagood #instalike #tattoo #hipster #art Instagram @hobbikats 332

Stache makes everyday so much better for me and the upcoming weeks are going to be tough with the 1 year anniversary of Caesar's passing. #stachecat #stache #moustache #moustachecat #oriental #orientalcat #siameseandorientalcats #instagrampetphotos #instagramhub #instagood #cat #cats #pet #petstagram #pets #kitty #gato #neko #meow #love #jerseyshore Instagram @hobbikats 340

Morning leg lifts for Bindi? Sure..why not! #bindi #bindicat #oriental #orientalcat #kiten #kitty #meow #siameseandorientalcats #cat #cats #catsofinstagram #catstagram #instagood #instalike #instagramhub #cute #neko #gato #jerseyshore #meowbox Instagram @hobbikats 421

For all my Romeo followers. The Elder Statesman is doing just fine! Sleeping and eating to his hearts content. Thank you so much for asking. #romeo #oldcat #oldmeezer #cat #oriental #siameseandorientalcats #cats #meezer #elderstatesman #pet #love #neko #gato #kitty #jerseyshore #petstagram #jerseyshore Instagram @hobbikats 406

Stache is saying..is this really necessary? #stachecat #stache #bindi #bindicat #oriental #cat #cats #catvideo #cute #instagood #instalike #instagramhub #pet #pets #gato #neko #newjersey #meezer #kitty #kiten Instagram @hobbikats 94

Had a great first day back at work and with the warmer temps the boys love to sit by the windows and put on a show! #stachecat #stache #bindi #bindicat #oriental #orientalcat #siameseandorientalcats #cat#cats #pet #pets #petstagram #kitty #kitten #instagood #instalike #instagramhub #gato #neko #jerseyshore #cute #catstagram Instagram @hobbikats 144

What are you looking at Bindi? #bindi #bindicat #oriental #orientalcat #siameseandorientalcats #cat #cats #pet #pets #petstagram #catsofinstagram #gato #neko #jerseyshore #instagood #instalike #instagramhub #cute #meow #kitty #kitten Instagram @hobbikats 194

I've only been home for less than a day and I can tell Stache and Bindi have soften up a bit for each other while I was away. #stache #stachecat #bindicat #bindi #cat #cats #pets #pettaksi #petstagram #oriental #orientalcat #siameseandorientalcats #meezer #instagood #instalike #instagramhub #cute #catsofinstagram #jerseyshore #love #gato #neko Instagram @hobbikats 371

I'd say Bindi boy is very happy Mommy is home! Im psyched to catch up on IG today. #bindicat #bindi #oriental #orientalcat #catoftheday #cats #pets #petbox #instagrampetphotos #instacat #instagood #instagramhub #pet #gato #neko #jerseyshore #cute #kitten #love Instagram @hobbikats 111

My last night in St. Maarten and cannot wait to go home tomorrow as I miss my babies so much. I can't wait to kiss them non stop!! #stache #stachecat #oriental #cat #cats #catsofinstagram #jerseyshore #instagood #instalike #instagramhub #love #meow #kitty #kitten #cute #gato #neko Instagram @hobbikats 268

I miss Romeo, Stache and Bindi so much! But I have to say so far my holiday in St. Maarten is a lot of fun! I was at the famous Maho Beach yesterday watching the planes land!! Instagram @hobbikats 170

I haven't told these two I can't take them on my trip to St. Maarten tomorrow but my parents are house sitting so it's not too bad! #bindicat #stachecat #oriental #orientalcat #siameseandorientalcats #meezer #meow #catster #cat #cats #pettaksi #pet #cute #catsofinstagram #kitten #neko #gato #jerseyshore Instagram @hobbikats 351

Bindi's ears are on fire! #bindicat #cat #pet #oriental #orientalcat #siameseandorientalcats #kitty #neko #gato #instagood #instagramhub #pettaksi #petstagram #catsofinstagram #meow #kitten #cute #cutecatsoninstagram #jerseyshore Instagram @hobbikats 322

See if you can spot old man Romeo. I love when he just shows up unannounced. #romeo #old #oldmeezer #elderstatesman #oriental #cat #love #adorable #siameseandorientalcats #meezer #jerseyshore #instagood Instagram @hobbikats 313

Bindi boy and the Stacheman checking out my freshly fluffed laundry from the dryer! #bindicat #stachecat #oriental #orientalcat #kitten #kitty #siameseandorientalcats #cat #pet #cats #cute #adorable #jerseyshore #neko #gato #instagood #meezer #meow #instagramhub #bicolour Instagram @hobbikats 442