Happy Caturday!!We're just practicing our synchronized sleeping#cats #catlover #caturday #catstagram #catsofinstagram #catnap #sleeping #kitty #instacat Instagram @cats930 143

I found you, Rosie!!#cat #cats #catstagram #catsofinstagram #kitty #catlover #instacat #pets #petstagram Instagram @cats930 29

After keeping mommy awake all night, we are just having a nice nap#cats #catnap #catsofinstagram #catstagram #kitty #catlover #pets #instacat #petstagram #sleeping Instagram @cats930 64

Happy whisker Wednesday #whiskerwednesday #whiskers #meow #kitty #cat #catlover #cats #catstagram #catsofinstagram #instacat #pets #petstagram Instagram @cats930 107

I was tagged by @simbawe__oop To list 10 facts about myself. I've done a similar tag before but thought I would do it again for those who missed the last one and because I have some new facts. More info on Rosie: 1) I was born in May of 2012 2) I was a return adoption at the shelter because my previous owner travelled too much for work 3) I was adopted on Valentines day 2014 4) Mommy chose my first name because of a foster cat named Rosie on The Critter Room on Livestream 5) I am a people cat- I love being around people!! 6) My favorite thing(besides eating) is looking outside to see what's going on 7) Sometimes mommy calls me nosy Rosie 8) I don't sleep as much as a normal cat. Fiona sleeps a lot more than me 9) I can be possessive of people- I don't like when MY humans give Fiona attention. 10) I love my new sister - she's a great playmate and napping companion️️️ I know a lot of you have done this tag so I tag anyone that hasn't done it yet or anyone who wants to tell us more facts! Instagram @cats930 123

Surprised I have any hair left after mom used the Furminator on me#cat #cats #catstagram #catsofinstagram #tuxedotuesday #tuxedocat #catlover #instacat #kitty #meow #pets #petstagram Instagram @cats930 76

Hey @tommyboy604 here's our #catloaf served on a pedestal #MondayNightLoafOff #cat #kitty #catsofinstagram #catstagram #instacat #catlover #pets #petstagram Instagram @cats930 52

Back off human, she's mine!! #cat #cats #catstagram #catsofinstagram #catlover #instacat #kitty #pets #petstagram Instagram @cats930 4

Great way to spend a #Caturday ️#cat #cats #catstagram #catsofinstagram #catlover #instacat #kitty #pets #petstagram Instagram @cats930 186

Happy Friday everyone!️#cat #cats #catstagram #catsofinstagram #kitty #catlover #cute #tabbycat #instacat #pets #animal #petstagram Instagram @cats930 6

Just making myself nice and clean for grandma's visit tomorrow#cats #catstagram #catsofinstagram #kitty #instacat #ilovemycat #meow #catvideo #catlover #tuxedocat Instagram @cats930 177

I got a new carrier. It's pretty cozy, but I know eventually it will be used for evil purposes like taking me kt the vet#cats #catstagram #kitty #catsofintagram #instacat #catlover #pets #petstagram Instagram @cats930 99

Reposting from @lilamissingcat because there has been a possible sighting in Gramercy Park area. If you are in NYC please be on the lookout ️️#findlila #lilamissingcat #lostpets #cat #kitty Instagram @cats930 152

Rosie is a big fluffy pillow#cat #cats #catlover #catstagram #catsofinstagram #instacat #instacats #ilovemycat #kitty #petstagram #pets #catnap #sleeping Instagram @cats930 107

Rosie is a big fluffy pillow#cat #cats #catlover #catstagram #catsofinstagram #instacat #instacats #ilovemycat #kitty #petstagram #pets #catnap #sleeping Instagram @cats930 107

We were tagged by @simbawe__oop to do the #myfavoritemeowthings ! Fiona will list her favorite things️We tag @val3bss @ginocrespi @xomoonie and any of our other kitty furriends to do this tag if they want!Fiona's favorite things:1) Favorite movie: I prefer watching the humans or looking outside to watching tv2) Favorite song: anything quiet that allows me to doze peacefully 3)Favorite food: Whiskas temptations, salmon flavor- I could eat a whole bag if the humans let me4)Favorite spot to sleep: In our chair or on the perch 5) Favorite toy: Catnip mice! Thanks to @simbawe__oop for starting this tag and tagging us️#cats #catstagram #instacat #catlover #ilovemycat #kitty #catsofinstagram #instacat #meow Instagram @cats930 148

Okay @tommyboy604 , here are our loaves for the #LaburrDayLoafOff #MondayNightLoafOff !!!We have one big loaf and a mini loaf!#cats #catloaf #catlover #catsofig #catstagram #catsofinstagram #instacat #kitty #pets #petstagram Instagram @cats930 126

We were nominated by @simbawe__oop to do the treat bucket challenge Since Rosie is watching her weight we improvised with some non-edible treatsWe nominate @val3bss and @mybigmiao to do the #treatbucketchallenge!! #cats #cat #catlover #catstagram #catsofinstagram #instacat #tuxedocat #pets #petstagram Instagram @cats930 33

Good morning! Hope our furriends in the US have a nice Labor Day!️ Instagram @cats930 85

If looks could kill#cat #cats #catstagram #catsofinstagram #catlover #instacat #kitty #tabbycat #pets #petstagram Instagram @cats930 152