Instagram ดารา @rokuthecat
Roku Roku

I have aerodynamic ears and silver fur. I eat rainbows and poop butterflies. Wife = @hachithecat Dad's blog :

Dad is working. I'm helping him ... with my mind 😑 Instagram @rokuthecat 3,996

"He looked at her the way all women want to be looked at by a man" - F.Scott Fitzgerald Instagram @rokuthecat 2,246

So close you wanna pet your screen Instagram @rokuthecat 6,740

Never, ever gonna give u up Instagram @rokuthecat 5,632

So the deal is .. Dad wanted one of me in the car. Found out you can order a clone of your pets at this place. So he ordered one of me!! Soon there will be 2 Roku in the house Check em out!! #notapaidadvertisement #FYI Instagram @rokuthecat 1,512

What do you mean, you need your right hand to work? Use your left human. Instagram @rokuthecat 4,644

Monday don't care 😶 Instagram @rokuthecat 3,095

Left my legs in the supermarket = #fml Instagram @rokuthecat 619

In the mood for choo choooo 🚂🚋 Instagram @rokuthecat 3,443

Blending in with dad's favorite cupcake, I bet he dun notice ️ #magnoliajapan Instagram @rokuthecat 5,412

Lurkin' on mum's original 1940's toledo stool Instagram @rokuthecat 605

What? Dad taught me this, "do it when it's hot" he said. 😦 Instagram @rokuthecat 3,283

Go on, I'm listening ... 😑 Instagram @rokuthecat 1,073

Some of you asked about my wife and daughters. Girls are doing fab! Instagram @rokuthecat 434

Instagram @rokuthecat 7,399

Booteh! Instagram @rokuthecat 2,996

Wink dun work if you dun do it to my face Instagram @rokuthecat 8,988

It takes about 5 seconds for you to become us ... there you go lil puppy Instagram @rokuthecat 1,721

Part time model. Instagram @rokuthecat 3,615

Fridayyyyyyyyyyy!! Instagram @rokuthecat 7,720

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