Instagram ดารา @rokuthecat
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I have aerodynamic ears and silver fur. I eat rainbows and poop butterflies. Wife = @hachithecat Dad's blog :

Hmmmmm licky licky ... Dadddd helppppp!! Stuckie stuckie!! Instagram @rokuthecat 4,554

Careful what you do next lil pup 👁👁 Instagram @rokuthecat 1,912

#selfie 😬 Instagram @rokuthecat 2,315

Massage to the beat son. Pretend I'm your turn table #thatshowwedo #keepinitreal Instagram @rokuthecat 3,887

People said I look like an owl, It's really them owl that looks like me! #immitationisthesincerestformofflattery Instagram @rokuthecat 5,980

Dad's office = my playground Instagram @rokuthecat 3,029

Excuse us, we are talking. #thecatversationisreal Instagram @rokuthecat 1,436

See? We dun need you human, but you need us. #ifyoudunrubwerub Instagram @rokuthecat 843

Sup brah! Instagram @rokuthecat 2,280

Sunday ride with human dad. Instagram @rokuthecat 3,610

We are united for today to wish you guys an amazing #halloween - stay safe my lovely humans ️ #yoda x #darthvader #starwars Instagram @rokuthecat 2,973

Live from HQ Instagram @rokuthecat 3,370

Happy and well (for those who asked) @hachithecat my wife .. wait, hold on .. whats that between her legs!! Instagram @rokuthecat 2,784

I know what you did last summer 🙃 Instagram @rokuthecat 2,284

If i sleep on this side i get nightmares, if i sleep on this side i get stuffed nose. If i ... Oh bugger it!! Instagram @rokuthecat 724

: Weekly grand kids update : Instagram @rokuthecat 6,480

Repost from @fleeksg - the crew visited our nest. For a quick glimpse, search for "FLEEKTV" on YouTube!! Instagram @rokuthecat 3,505

You can see me, I'm in a camo chair! Instagram @rokuthecat 1,143

Secret to working successfully - us! We are here everytime dad's working Instagram @rokuthecat 4,430

.. and here comes the grandchild crew. Instagram @rokuthecat 2,094

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