Instagram ดารา @vannesswu
Vanness Wu อู๋เจี้ยนหาว

Actor, Singer, Director, Producer, Clothing Designer, but above all... lover of CHRIST first! Philippians 4:13 Weibo:vanness吳建豪 Twitter:vannessvanwu

The calm before the storm... Lord help me keep my eyes fixed on You and You only... Instagram ดารา @vannesswu 0

Fresh to Defffffffff #freshnessburger #musteatinjapan #Godisgood Instagram ดารา @vannesswu 0

Thank you Tokyo! Off to Osaka tonight! Instagram ดารา @vannesswu 0

Arrived in Japan last night and got #Ambushed @verbal_ambush nice design bro... Tokyo you ready!!! #360 about to get crazy! Instagram ดารา @vannesswu 0

There's cat hair in my food... #welcometoTokyo. #overkill Instagram ดารา @vannesswu 0

Instagram ดารา @vannesswu 0

Instagram ดารา @vannesswu 0

Finally finished work... Thank You Jesus for another day. I need to sleep... Tomorrow another day another graveyard... Shift that is~(( _ _ ))..zzzZZ Instagram ดารา @vannesswu 0

Bark Instagram ดารา @vannesswu 0

Falling asleep while playing... What a life... #apollobowie #adogslife Instagram ดารา @vannesswu 0

If I was a Unicorn... Instagram ดารา @vannesswu 0

#VANATICS I'm about to sign your iPhone 5 cases thank you for your patience they will be shipped to you soon! Instagram ดารา @vannesswu 0

He's jus too funny not to post... #therealgarfield Instagram ดารา @vannesswu 0

Get suited! Haha... Yes new gym clothes! I was in desperate need of new running shoes! #reebok #zigtech #gymrat Instagram ดารา @vannesswu 0

晚安〜Good Night God bless Instagram ดารา @vannesswu 0

After only 3hrs of sleep and flying all morning, I get to come home and finally meet these Lil fellaz~ life is good.. Sigh... Ok now I'm off to work again... Graveyard shift tonight. #cameo #newmovie #tired #ratherbehuggingbabybullies hahaha Instagram ดารา @vannesswu 0

昨天剛拿到星跳水立方的銀牌,感覺是好久以前的事情了。突然有好多很棒很感動的回憶。最大的收穫是我對神的信任更加大了!在我最累的一刻,他對我說:“這是耶和華對所羅巴伯所說的話:‘不是倚靠權勢,不是倚靠能力,而是倚靠我的靈。’這是萬軍之耶和華說的。 (撒迦利亞書 4:6 CNV) 他充滿我給我更多喜樂,拿走恐懼。因為 神所賜給我們的,不是膽怯的靈,而是有能力、仁愛、自律的靈。 (提摩太後書 1:7 CNV)這些經文在我最需要的時候從我腦海裡出現!雖然我拿到銀牌,但之後發現,銀牌是用白金來做的。我覺得神在告訴我,我其實比金牌還貴重! Instagram ดารา @vannesswu 0

100% protein... Looks gross I know... #eggwhite #steamedchicken #nooil #nuwaveoven BÃM( -_・)oO Instagram ดารา @vannesswu 0

Reebok x AAPE 謝謝 @chaost&Paul #nicekicks #blessedlife #goodfriends #Godisgood Instagram ดารา @vannesswu 0

Yesterday, i finally I received the Silver medal from the diving show. Seems like a long ago already, but the experience and gratitude of it all is something that I will keep close and keep reminding myself of... Each time I stepped onto the diving board, God showed up at every crucial moment when my body was fatigued and had barely anymore to give. He said to me, “This is the word of the Lord to Zerubbabel: ‘Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit,’ says the Lord Almighty. (Zechariah 4:6 NIV) filled me with joy rather than fear King James Bible For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. (2 Timothy 1:7) these two distinct verses popped in my head at very crucial moments of the competition which catapulted my faith in The Lord ever so much more. In the end I took home the silver medal only to find out that the material used to make the silver was actually white gold. I believe God was telling me in the end that I'm worth more than the gold medal. #Godisgood #unshackablefaith Instagram ดารา @vannesswu 0

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