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Good Night Instagram ดารา @vannesswu 2,104
Don't think just bake #粉絲 #貝肯庄 #BakeCulture #idontreallyeatcarbsbutwhenido #sharethemoment #haveyoutriedthebread #breakbread #Godisgood #guiltypleasure Instagram ดารา @vannesswu 3,829
#Made by @jahan_ amazing design! Thx Homie #reebokventilator #made Instagram ดารา @vannesswu 6,970
Better late than never... #guiltypleasure #GTA5 #feelslikehome damn you @straightblast5 #drive #stressreliever Instagram ดารา @vannesswu 8,319
I'm happy and I know it oh yeaaaaaaa #phonehijack #playwithmeimbored #usuckadooz #hethinksHessocool XxXxXxXxX Instagram ดารา @vannesswu 10,061
Our secret ingredient~ Instagram ดารา @vannesswu 1,651
#Mood #bigsun #whitebeach #clearwater #wifeandguitar #Godisgood #HerculesJagger Instagram ดารา @vannesswu 5,394
#HerculesJagger wishing everyone a Happy Easter~† #thankYouJesus Instagram ดารา @vannesswu 8,274
Things we loved since childhood will always find its way back into our lives. Take what interests you, and make use of it. #ilikecollectableactionfigures #theyhelpmethink #kingofrandomapps #DragonballzTrunks #PinoChiobouttogetGangsta #Godisgood #blessed Instagram ดารา @vannesswu 6,178
Who's says Bulldogs are lazy... #ApolloBowie #latenightworkout #piggycanfly Instagram ดารา @vannesswu 3,077
#Godblessngoodnight † Instagram ดารา @vannesswu 7,467
Morning exercises... #HerculesJagger #ApolloBowie Instagram ดารา @vannesswu 8,337
Thanks for breakfast~ Instagram ดารา @vannesswu 12,278
Just got rocked by Eric Johnson's Sunday message on "Finding Contentment" what a powerful sermon. #sometimesthatsallyouneed #bethankful #wordofGodleavesmespeechless #bethelchurch #ibethel─=≡Σ((( •̀~•́)つ✞ Instagram ดารา @vannesswu 4,659
開工了!Off to work~ ─=≡Σ((( •̀~•́)つ Instagram ดารา @vannesswu 5,857
沒錯,這是一張床。Oh this...? This is jus a #Lamborghini #bed. That's all... Hahaha #everyhotelshouldhaveabedlikethis #dopebed #chinatravels #doidriveitorsleepinit #深圳 #imnotgonnalieivealwayswantedoneofthesecarbedsasakid Instagram ดารา @vannesswu 7,149
Excited to get this amazing ✞ piece by @damilolaartist framed! Amazing work bro~️ #artlifesmartlife #neverstoptheimagination #createlifewithapencilpenorbrush #cross #justiceinspired #3D Instagram ดารา @vannesswu 7,140
️ONDAY: But blessed are your eyes because they see, and your ears because they hear. For truly I tell you, many prophets and righteous people longed to see what you see but did not see it, and to hear what you hear but did not hear it. (Matthew 13:16-17 NIV) #makethebestofeachday #mondaysarenodifferent #getthathappinessnomatterwhat #justanothermanicmonday #Godisgood Instagram ดารา @vannesswu 8,607
準備要從螢幕跳出來了Gettin ready to jump out the screen for ya! #Alien #Photoshoot #china Instagram ดารา @vannesswu 11,184
飛機delay了。。。My plane is delayed... #kisskissbangbang #thisiswhatidotokilltime #kingofrandomapps #isthatabananainmyhandoramijushappytoseeyou? #bananamarshall #fibersheriff #thanksbabzforthehat #theresareasonforeverything #bethankful #Godisgood #happytowakeupthismorning Instagram ดารา @vannesswu 9,552