Fired up reading the script of my next movie - Big action comedy. Surprise announcement this week of who my co-star will be. Here's a hint... in the right lighting and camera angles, we could pass as twins! #OurMamasWillBeProud #IThinkWeHaveTheSameDaddy #GetReadyWorld #ThisShitIsGonnaBeFunny Instagram ดารา @therock 49,823

Hardest workin' man in the room, talkin' to... the other hardest workin' man in the room @kevinhart4real Keep stackin' that belt baby boy... #BigBob #GoldenJet #ShitsGonnaBeBanana #YeahILeftOffTheS Instagram ดารา @therock 71,703

Pre workout just Startin' to kick in... #LegDay #CrazyDay #AllAboutThatBass #NoTreble #HardestWorkerInTheRoom #LetsGetToWork #FunPain Instagram ดารา @therock 112,217

Had to break out a bottle from my "exclusive" Don Julio collection in honor of listening to an all time classic from my good bud Michael Hayes, "I'm Gonna Drink til' You Look Good". #ClassicJam #YesThatTequilaBottleSaysDonDwayne #AndYesThatsADuck #MyBoysCrazy #AintWeAll #ITunesWillNeverBeTheSame #Cheers Instagram ดารา @therock 51,750

One of my lil' babies on our farm... #IRaiseEmFatAndAggressive #LikeMeAsAnEarlyTeen #ProudBassPapa Instagram ดารา @therock 85,786

Rock Lobster. #TBT #RollingStonePhotoShoot #IFeelNoPain #Ever #OkMaybeALittle Instagram ดารา @therock 49,197

For some reason exfoliating doesn't do a thing for my f*cked up calloused hands... #AhWell #AtLeastISmellGood #LetsGetToWork #ClanginAndBangin Instagram ดารา @therock 52,882

Here's the exclusive Instagram trailer for my new transformation show #WakeUpCall No cash prize at the end and no one gets voted off. Just good people who are down on their luck and need a helping hand. Wanted to create a TV show where real change can happen - if you're willing to put in the work. #StartsWithOurTwoHands #WakeUpCall Instagram ดารา @therock 4,660

"We ain't cowboys and ponies.. we're horses and men.." #MeAndBob #BobLikesToCuss #ButImAHorseWhisperer #AndBobDoesntGiveAShit #AFewOlCountryBoys Instagram ดารา @therock 41,839

Bass, carp, bullheads and sunnies.. I raise em fat on the farm. #ColdWeatherTime #MakinMyBabiesSluggish #NoMoreSpinnerbaits #HadToSwitchToSoftPlastics #TexasRigStyle Many of you are saying what the f*ck do these hashtags even mean...;) #BassMasterTalk Instagram ดารา @therock 29,148

Sunday inspiration.. #ManyHorses #ManyGhosts #1Silverback #CueRockyTrainingMontageMusic Instagram ดารา @therock 58,093

Appreciate the huge buzz over our new FAST & FURIOUS trailer. Glad you dug it...its a helluva ride. APRIL 2015. #DaddysGottaGoToWork #Furious7 #LoveYouPW Instagram ดารา @therock 70,378

A little time off for bad behavior... My fishin' pole, my cooler.. all I need. #FamilyTradition #WhiskeyRiver #RamblinMan #SpinnerbaitKing Instagram ดารา @therock 117,623

"You broke my will, oh what a thrill.. Goodness gracious great balls of fire..." #GhostFaceSilverback #YeahICanTickleTheIvories #TrickTrickOrTreatTreat Instagram ดารา @therock 80,325

I'm happy my days of being a #90sRock aka #BuffLesbian has made its way into pop culture... Happy Halloween everyone.. have fun and above all else... #RockTheTurtleneck #RockThePimpLean And rock that muthaf*ckin fanny pack! Instagram ดารา @therock 89,114

She killed this song! You guys'll dig this... Available now on iTunes https://itunes.apple.com/album/id934019036 #MEMORY Cool throwback RB w/ edge and some dope harmonies. Proud of @laurenhashianofficial #HardWorkPays #ImGonnaSingOnHerNextTrack #ButNotForFree #UGotsToPayForTheGravyWoman Instagram ดารา @therock 17,097

Watched FAST & FURIOUS 7. Emotional seeing Paul on screen, yet beautiful at the same time. Proud of all my co-stars and overall the movie's a helluva ride. Talkin' trash and kickin' ass with a devilish smile and country charm - a pleasure playin' the character of HOBBS and a true pleasure being part of this historic franchise. #FastAndFurious7 #DaddysGottaGoToWork #AndHesBringinHisGunsToTown Instagram ดารา @therock 24,942

Fantastic ESPN "30 for 30" documentary on a teenage football hero of mine Brian Bosworth. Powerful to see him reveal himself and confront the demons that haunted him all these years. Even with the circus that followed "The Boz", at the end of the day, he still goes down in history as one of the greatest college football players of all time. #Respect #BAMF #YeahIHadTheBozHaircutToo #TooGoAlongMyTeenagePimples Instagram ดารา @therock 37,470

Tom Hanks said there's no crying in baseball... Agreed. But there is crying when meeting fans. I truly appreciate moments like this.. Very special. #FeelFreeToCryOnMySuitAnytime #ASuitIsJustAThing #LoveIsReal #ICriedOnTomHanksSuitToo Instagram ดารา @therock 45,592

Key with delivering an effective "FOCUS" is the subsequent "f*ck" said under your breath followed by the intense death stare. 405lb barbell shrug and inaudible gorilla grunts are optional. #KeepItClangin #KeepItBangin #AndDontTalkToMeInTheGym #FOCUS Instagram ดารา @therock 1,541