Just a good ol'fashion sidewalk reminder ️ Instagram ดารา @tayastarling 0
Spicy shoyu ahi poke bowl. It's what's for lunch #FatGirlAtHeart #Hawaii Instagram ดารา @tayastarling 0
Quick stop at one of my favorite spots on Oahu Too much beauty in this world to focus on the ugly. #StayGold #Hawaii #GypsyWanderlust Instagram ดารา @tayastarling 0
Kailua Wouldn't mind hiking up for sunrise every day #BabeSquad #StayGold #GypsyWanderlust #Kailua Instagram ดารา @tayastarling 0
Post hike Boots & Kimo's breakfast pancakes with their signature macadamia nut sauce, the paniolo omlette, & a side of Portuguese sausage. #FatGirlAtHeart #HawaiiNei #GypsyWanderlust Instagram ดารา @tayastarling 0
Good morning Starshine! The world says Hello! Instagram ดารา @tayastarling 0
While you're out there livin', don't forget to see the world #StayGold #Lanikai #GypsyWanderlust Instagram ดารา @tayastarling 0
Another chance to start again & make it even better than the last #StayGold #FavoriteTimeOfDay #GypsyWanderlust #HawaiiNei Instagram ดารา @tayastarling 0
I am so fortunate to call so many amazing places home... I may be far from Thailand right now but I know today is a big day in my other City of Angels... Bangkok please be safe today. Please remember our love of peace & harmony; Thailand is the land of smiles and reason outweighs violence in any long term resolution. I hope you all stay safe today ️️️️ #Thailand #OccupyBangkok by @ohgodjod Instagram ดารา @tayastarling 0
Pretty much the most amazing puppy ever. Poki gets all the ladies #IDie #iNeedAPuppy Instagram ดารา @tayastarling 0
Too blessed to be stressed Instagram ดารา @tayastarling 0
Roomies reunited at last! Love these ladies 👭👭 Instagram ดารา @tayastarling 0
6 people + 6 dogs + a hike + one beautiful day= perfect Sunday funday #GypsyWanderlust #HawaiiNei #SundayFunday Instagram ดารา @tayastarling 0
Perfect day for a hike on this Sunday funday with my girls & the pups 👭👭 #gypsywanderlust #hawaiinei Instagram ดารา @tayastarling 0
Another day another blessing. #Thankful #HawaiiNei #GypsyWanderlust Instagram ดารา @tayastarling 0
Prom 2014 Instagram ดารา @tayastarling 0
Cheers to the newly weds! #Merriments2014 Instagram ดารา @tayastarling 0
Shhhh I'm about to catch me a good lookin pet giraffe 🌳 Instagram ดารา @tayastarling 0
Congrats Lisa & Myke! What a beautiful ceremony ️ #Merriments2014 Instagram ดารา @tayastarling 0
Thanks for my juice fix this morning @impressedjuicehawaii Lovin what you guys are doing! #DrinkLocal #KCC #HawaiiNei Instagram ดารา @tayastarling 0