Your mind will answer most questions if you learn to relax and wait for the answer. -William S. Burroughs Instagram ดารา @siwon1987 22,652

“Surely your goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.” Psalm 23:6 Instagram ดารา @siwon1987 10,035

riding. Instagram ดารา @siwon1987 13,768

촬영중에 만난 굉장한 녀석. 여기는 대전입니다. Instagram ดารา @siwon1987 33,048

다가올 9월10일. <라이즈 오브 더 레전드 : 황비홍> X

good job buddy lol. Instagram ดารา @siwon1987 8,134

정말 멋진 공연. 최고의 가창력과 감동의 무대. SUPER JUNIOR K.R.Y Concert! Well done. So proud of you all. Instagram ดารา @siwon1987 45,653

드라마 촬영 축하와 더불어 고생많다며 멋진 와인 보내주신 SM Entertainment 큐티탁 탁윤주 팀장님외 직원분들 감사합니다 :^) ㅎㅎ #Emos #smentertainment Instagram ดารา @siwon1987 27,075

For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places. Mattew 24:7 Instagram ดารา @siwon1987 8,993

Long day. need some break. good night world. Instagram ดารา @siwon1987 46,251

Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning. - Albert Einstein Instagram ดารา @siwon1987 62,406

Let's pray together. Instagram ดารา @siwon1987 53,949

We are like peanut butter & jelly, salt & pepper, jack & jill, and more! Thanks #teenchoiceawards for nominating us, #superjunior and #elf. Let's celebrate this moment! Instagram ดารา @siwon1987 27,502

" Happy Independence Day Indonesia :^) " #Indonesia #independenceday Instagram ดารา @siwon1987 26,464

sleep well? morning buddy. Instagram ดารา @siwon1987 16,684

I'm coming home. 새벽까지 고생하신 모든 스탭분들 수고하셨습니다. #Zanybros #Intrend Instagram ดารา @siwon1987 13,133

Moving still. Instagram ดารา @siwon1987 14,294

지금의 대한민국을 있게 해주신 분들을 위해 오늘 더욱 더 겸허한 마음으로 감사를 표합니다. Those who do not remember the past are condemned to repeat it. - George Santayana Instagram ดารา @siwon1987 42,116

Audi Live 2015 with Zion.T. Instagram ดารา @siwon1987 27,899

Let's pray together Instagram ดารา @siwon1987 18,441