Peekaboo from the VO recording cabin! @kitb cr: @autasda (our mentor tonight) #shutterbugs Instagram ดารา @siri_luther 0

Interviewer: you're one of the richest in the world, why are you wearing a timex? Bill Gates: Because it tells time! #lovethisguy #frugal #economical #billgates #billgatesstateofmind #rolemodel #admirable #antimaterialism #timex #valueformoney #durableforlife Instagram ดารา @siri_luther 0

Dwell on the beauty of life - my latest facial tvc #southeastasia #optimistic #smilesformiles #smilealways Instagram ดารา @siri_luther 0

The only place I trust with my fragile hair #alien #medusa #perm #digitalperm #prestigehair Instagram ดารา @siri_luther 0

#gratitude #thingstoliveby Instagram ดารา @siri_luther 0

("It may be normal, darling; but I'd rather be natural"- Breakfast at Tiffany's) #naturale #grace #frailty Instagram ดารา @siri_luther 0

I don't know about you, but I'm not feeling 23! #birthdaygirl #gemini #23 #youngatheart Instagram ดารา @siri_luther 0

the amount of my typical daily meals #nojoke #eatlikeababydinosaur Instagram ดารา @siri_luther 0

a portion of our CK gang @octotul @tawan_v @panetbp @camelllllll @patsak @sweetie_cheesecake Happy birthday to my Annie bee! @anneppan #ck #chulakatakorn Instagram ดารา @siri_luther 0

My true love: Berries - strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, blackberries, anything with an 'errie' in it! #noshare #berries #superfruit #cantlivewithout Instagram ดารา @siri_luther 0

Fitting for lakorn เสือ สิงห์ กระทิง บ๊องส์ @bank_thanasak Instagram ดารา @siri_luther 0

you all heaps @mnawapat @jennyy_jc @pimmso Happy birthday @nipitnew (p.s. I crave more of your insights on stocks!) Instagram ดารา @siri_luther 0

Will you still love me when I'm no longer young and beautiful? Will you still love me when I got nothing but my aching soul? Instagram ดารา @siri_luther 0

Ease up on yourselves. Have some compassion for yourself as well as for others. There's no such thing as perfection and life is not a race #dougmarlette #beachtime Instagram ดารา @siri_luther 0

Those who never get carried away, should be #readingtime #leisurelife #beachtreat Instagram ดารา @siri_luther 0

moonlight swim #likeweremadeofstarlight #nightswim Instagram ดารา @siri_luther 0

day! #soakupthesun #sunkissedskin #snaphappy #sundayfunday Instagram ดารา @siri_luther 0

The art of knitting #complex #calming #meditationalternative #yarn #colorful #knitting Instagram ดารา @siri_luther 0

...that's the best thing a girl can be in this world, a beautiful little fool #sadtruth #beautifullittlefool #thegreatgatsby #daisy #fscottfitzgerald Instagram ดารา @siri_luther 0