@charlesandkeithofficial had so much fun shooting this ad ️ Instagram ดารา @prayalundberg 3,266
40 scenes since 7:30 am and still going. #allinthenameofthehustle #werk #allinadaysjob 40 ซีน แล้วยังมีอีกแยอะ Instagram ดารา @prayalundberg 2,859
Back with my buddy. Crunch time today Instagram ดารา @prayalundberg 2,935
Absolutely beautiful ️ Instagram ดารา @prayalundberg 433
Rose tea and infused white tea. Perfect treat after a long day of work and great for your skin. ชากุหลาบและชาขาวทำให้ผิวดีและหลับสบาย all about being natural ️ Instagram ดารา @prayalundberg 3,444
Following @tayastarling's footsteps and completing the 100 happy day challenge. #100happydays #teamcarebear Instagram ดารา @prayalundberg 2,122
Reading is my ultimate escape and savior on a bad day. Every time I pick up a book, my mind gets sucked in and for awhile I forget all the craziness around me. Sometimes when I feel as though I'm too tired to feel or too sad to function, I read. Books are good healers. Does anyone have any great books to recommend? ️ Instagram ดารา @prayalundberg 2,861
super hot day on set but you gotta do, what you gotta do. #hustlinonset #teamcarebear @sarahball12 @tayastarling Instagram ดารา @prayalundberg 5,093
Natural herbal tea and chlorophyll time. Beauty from the inside with @sarahball12 ️ miss you taya see you at the next tea time carebear @tayastarling Instagram ดารา @prayalundberg 3,562
Missing the breeze in Melbourne 🌎️ Instagram ดารา @prayalundberg 5,545
My bestie @tashaleana doing her thing. So proud of her, a great artist with a kind heart. Truly grateful to have such a loving friend #distanceisnothingwhenitsatruefriendship #friendsforever Instagram ดารา @prayalundberg 3,043
St kilda before my flight tonight, back to work soon Instagram ดารา @prayalundberg 287