Always humble. @justinbieber #MTVEMA Instagram ดารา @pharrell 31,367

#MTVEMA Tonight! #boomerang Instagram ดารา @pharrell 18,590

Incognito. Come find me Instagram ดารา @pharrell 30,460

Greetings Milano! But first ... CHANEL 😛 Instagram ดารา @pharrell 19,842

Can't wait to read Margot Lee Shetterly's book on Katherine Johnson and the other African American women mathematicians who helped @NASA & the US win the space race. #VA Instagram ดารา @pharrell 13,923

#OTHERtone returns this weekend with @Florence, who has one of the most cosmic voices I've ever heard. This Sunday at 12pm PT / 3pm ET on @applemusic #beats1 @brokemogul Instagram ดารา @pharrell 13,434

High five to our future! #ReadHappy Instagram ดารา @pharrell 24,597

What do you know of this goodness? Instagram ดารา @pharrell 24,680

#OTHERtone is airing now on #Beats1 @applemusic @Skeptagram x @jamiewoon x @brokemogul Tune in at apple.co/Beats1 Instagram ดารา @pharrell 15,087

Sunday is a special UK episode of #OTHERtone on Beats 1. @skeptagram and @jamiewoon are two of my favorite British artists. Tune in tomorrow at 12pm PST on @applemusic Instagram ดารา @pharrell 17,273

New #OTHERtone coming up: @jamiewoon and rapper / producer @skeptagram join @brokemogul and me this Sunday, 10/11 at 12pm PST. Listen in on #beats1 @AppleMusic Instagram ดารา @pharrell 16,742

Sometimes embracing limitations can lead to more creativity. Read our 3rd edition of #Featuring, a monthly newsletter from @i_am_OTHER x @collabfund 📬 Instagram ดารา @pharrell 9,244

Whoa! Happy to read with the one and only cookie monster! Thanks for having me @SesameStreet #PharrellonSesame #ReadHappy Instagram ดารา @pharrell 17,608

Thanks for having me, Oscar Instagram ดารา @pharrell 28,514

F is for Friend #PharrellonSesame Instagram ดารา @pharrell 26,077

Together we inspire, together we achieve! 😎Thanks to Principal Dixon and PS12 in BK for having me as their guest author today #ReadHappy Instagram ดารา @pharrell 22,764

Shout out to my Happy Helper, Tyler, who's featured in our new book #ReadHappy Instagram ดารา @pharrell 26,455

Tune into the @i_am_other channel to watch a very special interview with some very talented young reporters. Link in my bio. #ReadHappy Instagram ดารา @pharrell 12,009

Every child on this planet deserves to experience the joy of reading. When you share why reading makes you happy with #ReadHappy, your post will lead to a donation. @penguinkids and @firstbookorg will give away up to 50,000 books to children in need Instagram ดารา @pharrell 34,915

Who's the Queen of Awesome? Happiest birthday to @gwenstefani Instagram ดารา @pharrell 8,306