@SnoopDogg got that futuristic-Egyptian #CaliforniaRoll smarturl.it/CaliRollVideo Instagram ดารา @pharrell 24,796

Congratulations @sawyerfrdrx for winning @nbcthevoice and thank you for being on my team. Can't wait to see what your future holds Instagram ดารา @pharrell 30,998

#BeeLinexTimberland Instagram ดารา @pharrell 22,169

Happy birthday to a legend and one of my heroes, Stevie Wonder 🏿 Instagram ดารา @pharrell 17,306

Congrats to my brother @SnoopDogg. #BUSH is out today @followthebush 🏿🌳smarturl.it/BUSHalbum Instagram ดารา @pharrell 12,774

Thank you @iheartradio @snoopdogg @bigboy #followthebush 🌳 Instagram ดารา @pharrell 26,148

@adidasoriginals #Supercolor track Instagram ดารา @pharrell 21,592

This is how California rolls... @snoopdogg featuring the legend Stevie Wonder #CaliforniaRoll smarturl.it/CaliRoll #🌳 Instagram ดารา @pharrell 22,312

Education is the key to freedom. YOU are the next best leaders @ReachHigher2020 #reachhigher ##@michelleobama Instagram ดารา @pharrell 27,594

My new @chanelofficial campaign with the lovely @Caradelevingne. Thank you @KarlLagerfeld #Chanel Instagram ดารา @pharrell 12,635

It's hard out here for a geek... @dopethemovie hits theaters June 19th #DopeMovie Instagram ดารา @pharrell 25,775

#BUSH @snoopdogg @followthebush 🌳 Instagram ดารา @pharrell 16,336

Meet Sara Jones, recipient of a FOHTA & @UNCF scholarship. From One Hand to AnOTHER and #UNCF are investing in #BetterFutures. "An Evening of Stars" is airing now on @BET Instagram ดารา @pharrell 15,516

Support the fam! In theaters tomorrow @BrotherlyLoveTheMovie @alexpirez17 @jacavifilms @flavoru @QueenLatifah Instagram ดารา @pharrell 12,342

Happy #EarthDay from The Apple 🌍 @liveearth Instagram ดารา @pharrell 18,590

Can't wait to perform with @dearbaes this summer. They always bring fire to the stage ️ Instagram ดารา @pharrell 16,477

Can't wait for you to see this film. Go to youaredope.com to watch the full trailer #DopeMovie Instagram ดารา @pharrell 50,458

Can't wait for you to see this film. Go to youaredope.com to watch the full trailer #DopeMovie Instagram ดารา @pharrell 8,592

#SoManyPros @snoopdogg 🏿🏿🏿🏿🏿 smarturl.it/SoManyPros @followthebush Instagram ดารา @pharrell 54,710