Wahahahah!!!! a cup full of goodies! Nothing beats cranberry raspberry tart frozen yogurt with fresh mixed berries in winter #yogurtland ️ Instagram ดารา @pearypie 8,896

Hi Mr Ducky Santa️ I love you We were driving and randomly saw him at someone's house downtown! I went nuts! We belong together!! #pearypiearoundtheworld #california Instagram ดารา @pearypie 19,135

Breakfast of Champions This is how we do it after an hour of waiting in the queue and they taste amazing just like what my aunt and mum have always said!! #OriginalPantryCafe #theoriginalpantry #pearypieสายแดก #fuckthediet #GoodEats #baconandeggs #AmericanLife #pearypiearoundtheworld #USA #frenchtoast #pancakes Instagram ดารา @pearypie 15,124

LA girl #pearypiearoundtheworld #LosAngeles #USA Instagram ดารา @pearypie 5,268

#pearypiepurplesignature Soooooo here it is,The makeup list of this look!! ️ enjoy! Lips- @prettyzombiecosmetics (purple lippie in 3witches) Skin- @laneigethailand (BB cushion) Cheeks- @toofaced (sweetheart blush) Silver liner- @rimmellondonuk Highlighter- @threecosmeticsThailand Eyes- @ctilburymakeup (Vintage Vamp) Instagram ดารา @pearypie 18,066

BANANAAAA #pearypiemeetsMinion #UniversalStudiosHollywood #illbeyourbanana #oneofthebestdaysofmylife Instagram ดารา @pearypie 19,229

️#Selfie Instagram ดารา @pearypie 28,541

Nomnom minion cookie from Gru's Lab Cafe ️#UniversalStudiosHollywood #minions #pearypiearoundtheworld #pearypiemeetsMinion Instagram ดารา @pearypie 11,619

Who wants the #fluffyunicorn ? ️this place looks so much like in the movie!!!!!! drilling with happiness!!! #seriously #Spacekiller #SupersillyFunLand #UniversalStudiosHollywood #pearypiemeetsMinion #pearypiearoundtheworld #California #usa Instagram ดารา @pearypie 17,641

papoy! I'm in love!! #fluffyunicorn #pearypiemeetsMinion #UniversalStudiosHollywood Instagram ดารา @pearypie 6,159

WHAAAAAAAA!!??!! #pearypiemeetsMinion #happytoseeyou ️ #UniversalStudiosHollywood #pearypiearoundtheworld #California #usa #minions #fluffyunicorn Instagram ดารา @pearypie 18,084

Yesssssssss!!!!! bananaaaaaaaaaaaa #UniversalStudiosHollywood !!! #Minionsaremyfamily #minions #pearypiearoundtheworld #pearypiemeetsMinion #Hollywood #usa #California Instagram ดารา @pearypie 15,866

Hardest thing in life, letting go of what you thought was real #thegoodquote #goodvibes Instagram ดารา @pearypie 23,204

Taste worth obsessing over!!! #pinkberryobsession #froyo #pinkberry #frozenyogurt #LosAngeles #California #gotoyourhappyplace ️ Instagram ดารา @pearypie 27,088

️ if you had one wish, what would it be? ️ #Christmas #pearypieAroundtheWorld #LosAngeles tag your loved ones And I wish everyone's wishes would come true ️ Instagram ดารา @pearypie 15,107

Ice-cream time!! Anyone? #GingerbreadmanHouse #Happiness #Gianticecream #pearypieAroundtheWorld #LA #TheGrove Instagram ดารา @pearypie 22,138

#Hollywood ️ this one is for you @niinuii #niinuiimeetsdarthvader they are on heels? #pearypieAroundtheWorld #usa #LosAngeles #touristday Instagram ดารา @pearypie 18,759