First IceBridge Antarctic science flight from McMurdo Station completed! We were treated to spectacular views while successfully collecting data over the Transantarctic mountains. IceBridge, a six-year NASA mission, is the largest airborne survey of Earth's polar ice ever flown. It will yield an unprecedented three-dimensional view of Arctic and Antarctic ice sheets, ice shelves and sea ice. These flights will provide a yearly, multi-instrument look at the behavior of the rapidly changing features of the Greenland and Antarctic ice. Data collected during IceBridge will help scientists bridge the gap in polar observations between NASA's Ice, Cloud and Land Elevation Satellite (ICESat) -- in orbit since 2003 -- and ICESat-2, planned for early 2016. ICESat stopped collecting science data in 2009, making IceBridge critical for ensuring a continuous series of observations. IceBridge will use airborne instruments to map Arctic and Antarctic areas once a year. IceBridge flights are conducted in March-May over Greenland and in October-November over Antarctica. Other smaller airborne surveys around the world are also part of the IceBridge campaign. Credit: NASA / Michael Studinger #nasa #earth #science #ice #icebridge #icesat #snow #arctic #polar #antarctic #polarice Instagram ดารา @nasa 0
Taking flight at Cape Canaveral! NASA’s MAVEN spacecraft launches aboard a United Launch Alliance Atlas V rocket from the Cape Canaveral Air Force Station Space Launch Complex 41, Monday, Nov. 18, 2013, Cape Canaveral, Florida. NASA’s Mars-bound spacecraft, the Mars Atmosphere and Volatile EvolutioN, or MAVEN, is the first spacecraft devoted to exploring and understanding the Martian upper atmosphere. The one-year mission begins in September 2014, when the spacecraft reaches Mars orbit. Image Credit: NASA/Bill Ingalls #nasa #space #ula #rocket #launch #rocketlaunch #launchpad#321 launch #maven2mars #planets #science #solarsystem #martian #maven #countdown Instagram ดารา @nasa 0
And we have lift off! The United Launch Alliance Atlas V rocket with NASA’s Mars Atmosphere and Volatile Evolution (MAVEN) spacecraft launches from the Cape Canaveral Air Force Station Space Launch Complex 41, Monday, Nov. 18, 2013, Cape Canaveral, Florida. NASA’s Mars-bound spacecraft, the Mars Atmosphere and Volatile EvolutionN, or MAVEN, is the first spacecraft devoted to exploring and understanding the Martian upper atmosphere. The one-year mission begins in September 2014, when the spacecraft reaches Mars orbit. Credit: (NASA/Bill Ingalls) #nasa #space #ula #rocket #launch#rocketlaunch #launchpad #321launch#maven2mars #planets #science #solarsystem,#martian #maven #countdown Instagram ดารา @nasa 0
One more Mars image before the launch of our MAVEN mission at 1:28 pm EST today. This sharp view of the Red Planet taken from Earth was obtained by NASA Hubble Space Telescope (HST). This stunning portrait was taken with the HST Wide Field Planetary Camera-2 (WFPC2) on March 10, 1997, just before Mars opposition, when the red planet made one of its closest passes to the Earth (about 60 million miles or 100 million km). MAVEN will be the first to study the Red Planet's upper atmosphere. Scientists expect data gathered during the MAVEN mission to help explain how Mars' climate has changed over time due to the loss of atmospheric gases. The one-year mission begins in Sept. 2014, when the spacecraft reaches Mars orbit. Credit: David Crisp and the WFPC2 Science Team (Jet Propulsion Laboratory/California Institute of Technology), and NASA #nasa #space #ula #rocket #launch#rocketlaunch #launchpad #321launch#maven2mars #planets #science #solarsystem,#martian #maven #countdown Instagram ดารา @nasa 0
With MAVEN launching to Mars today at 1:28pm ET, here’s an image courtesy NASA’s Mars Curiosity Rover. While Curiosity is working to understand Mars as a past habitat, MAVEN will study the upper Martian atmosphere. Curiosity will not be able to "see" MAVEN on its arrival. Later in the mission, Curiosity may be able to view MAVEN when its orbit passes over Gale Crater at dusk, similar to viewing a low-earth-orbiting (LEO) satellite around Earth. MAVEN will help in understanding Mars' climate history and uncovering when and how long Mars may have had an environment more favorable to microbial life than found today. This photo is a mosaic of images taken by the Mast Camera (Mastcam) on Curiosity while the rover was working at a site called "Rocknest" in October and November 2012. The center of the scene, looking eastward from Rocknest, includes the Point Lake area. After the component images for this scene were taken, Curiosity drove 83 feet (25.3 meters) on Nov. 18 from Rocknest to Point Lake. From Point Lake, the Mastcam is taking images for another detailed panoramic view of the area further east to help researchers identify candidate targets for the rover's first drilling into a rock. CREDIT: NASA #nasa #space #ula #rocket #launch #rocketlaunch #launchpad #321launch #maven2mars #planets #science #solarsystem, #martian #maven #countdown #curiosityrover Instagram ดารา @nasa 0
Getting excited for today’s 1:28 pm EST MAVEN launch to Mars? In honor of MAVEN, here is an image from the 1976 Viking 1 orbiter that shows the thin atmosphere of Mars. Scientists will use MAVEN data to determine the role that loss of volatile from the Mars atmosphere to space has played through time, giving insight into the history of Mars' atmosphere and climate, liquid water and planetary habitability. Tune into NASA TV today at 11 a.m. for the start of launch coverage. You can watch the action live on NASA TV at http://www/nasa.gov/nasatv Credit: NASA #nasa #space #ula #rocket #launch #rocketlaunch #launchpad #321launch #maven2mars #planets #science #solarsystem, #martian #maven #countdown Instagram ดารา @nasa 0
It’s Mars Day at NASA, and we’re launching our MAVEN spacecraft there at 1:28 p.m. EST. Forecasters predict a 60 percent chance for favorable weather during a two-hour launch window of the United Launch Alliance Atlas V-401 rocket. MAVEN will take critical measurements of the Martian upper atmosphere to help scientists understand climate change over the Red Planet's history. MAVEN is the first spacecraft devoted to exploring and understanding the Martian upper atmosphere. It will orbit the planet in an elliptical orbit that allows it to pass through and sample the entire upper atmosphere on every orbit. The spacecraft will investigate how the loss of Mars' atmosphere to space determined the history of water on the surface. This global mosaic of 102 Viking 1 Orbiter images of Mars was taken on orbit Feb. 22, 1980. The images are projected into point perspective, representing what a viewer would see from a spacecraft at an altitude of 2,500 km. Image Credit: NASA #nasa #space #ula #rocket #launch #rocketlaunch #launchpad #321launch #maven2mars #planets #science #solarsystem, #martian #maven #countdown Instagram ดารา @nasa 0
'Twas the night before launch... NASA MAVEN’s last night on Earth before launching to Mars. The United Launch Alliance Atlas V rocket with NASA’s Mars Atmosphere and Volatile Evolution (MAVEN) spacecraft onboard is seen at the Cape Canaveral Air Force Station Space Launch Complex 41, Sunday, Nov. 17, 2013, Cape Canaveral, Fla. Forecasters from the U.S. Air Force 45th Weather Squadron continue to predict a 60 percent chance of favorable weather for the launch of MAVEN at 1:28 p.m. EST Monday. MAVEN is scheduled to liftoff atop a United Launch Alliance Atlas V at the beginning of a two hour launch window. Teams are working no technical issues and the countdown is targeted to pick up from the T-6 hour, 20 minute mark at 6:28 a.m. Monday. Photo Credit: (NASA/Bill Ingalls) #maven #nasa #space #ula #rocket #launch #rocketlaunch #launchpad #321launch #maven2mars #planets #science #solarsystem, #martian Instagram ดารา @nasa 0
One more day until our next Mars-bound spacecraft launches to the red planet. United Launch Alliance Atlas V rocket with NASA’s Mars Atmosphere and Volatile Evolution (MAVEN) spacecraft onboard is seen at the Cape Canaveral Air Force Station Space Launch Complex 41, Sunday, Nov. 17, 2013, Cape Canaveral, Fla. MAVEN is scheduled to launch at 1:28 p.m. EST on Monday, Nov. 18. MAVEN is the first spacecraft devoted to exploring and understanding the Martian upper atmosphere. It will orbit the planet in an elliptical orbit that allows it to pass through and sample the entire upper atmosphere on every orbit. The spacecraft will investigate how the loss of Mars' atmosphere to space determined the history of water on the surface. The spacecraft is scheduled to reach Mars in September 2014. Photo Credit: (NASA/Bill Ingalls) #maven #nasa #space #ula #rocket #launch #rocketlaunch #launchpad #321launch #maven2mars #planets #science #solarsystem, #martian Instagram ดารา @nasa 0
1 Day until the launch of #MAVEN, NASA's next Mars explorer: The Mars Atmosphere and Volatile Evolution, or MAVEN, spacecraft will be the first to study the Red Planet's upper atmosphere. Scientists expect data gathered during the MAVEN mission to help explain how Mars' climate has changed over time due to the loss of atmospheric gases. Pictured here is a road sign adjacent to NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Florida that counts down the days until launch. MAVEN is set to launch aboard a United Launch Alliance Atlas V rocket during a 20-day launch period beginning November 18. The one-year mission begins in Sept. 2014, when the spacecraft reaches Mars orbit. Image credit: NASA #roadsign #countdown #321launch #launch #maven #nasa #nasakennedy #ccafs #atlasv #mars #sign #streetsign Instagram ดารา @nasa 0
Earlier today, #MAVEN rolled out to the Launch Pad ahead of the Monday launch: Two days before the scheduled launch, the United Launch Alliance Atlas V rocket and NASA’s Mars Atmosphere and Volatile Evolution (MAVEN) spacecraft is seen rolling out of the Cape Canaveral Air Force Station Space Launch Complex 41 Vertical Integration Facility to the launch pad, Saturday, Nov. 16, 2013, Cape Canaveral, Florida. The rollout covers about 1500 feet and took about 30 minutes. Photo Credit: (NASA/Bill Ingalls) #maven #nasa #space #ula #rocket #launch #rocketlaunch #launchpad #321launch #maven2mars Instagram ดารา @nasa 0
Massive Iceberg Floating Away From Pine Island Glacier - This MODIS image taken by NASA’s Aqua satellite on Nov. 10, 2013, shows an iceberg that was part of the Pine Island Glacier and is now separating from the Antarctica continent. What appears to be a connection point on the top left portion of the iceberg is actually ice debris floating in the water. The original rift that formed the iceberg was first observed in October 2011 but as the disconnection was not complete, the “birth” of the iceberg had not yet happened. It is believed the physical separation took place on or about July 10, 2013, however the iceberg persisted in the region, adjacent to the front of the glacier. The iceberg is estimated to be 21 miles by 12 miles (35 km by 20 km) in size, roughly the size of Singapore. A team of scientists from Sheffield and Southampton universities will track it and try to predict its path using satellite data. Image credit: NASA #nasa #earth #glacier #aqua #satellite #iceberg #ice Instagram ดารา @nasa 0
Hubble reveals the first visual evidence of how our home galaxy assembled itself into the majestic pinwheel of stars we see today. This composite image shows examples of galaxies similar to our Milky Way at various stages of construction over a time span of 11 billion years. The galaxies are arranged according to time. Those on the left reside nearby; those at far right existed when the cosmos was about 2 billion years old. The bluish glow from young stars dominates the color of the galaxies on the right. The galaxies at left are redder from the glow of older stellar populations. This image traces Milky Way-like galaxies over most of cosmic history, revealing how they evolve over time. Hubble's sharp vision resolved the galaxies' shapes, showing that their bulges and disks grew simultaneously. Credit: NASA, ESA, P. van Dokkum (Yale University), S. Patel (Leiden University), and the 3D-HST Team #hubble #space #galaxy #universe #hubblespacetelescope #hst #nasa #esa #star #stars #milkyway Instagram ดารา @nasa 0
This NASA-generated damage map will assist with Typhoon Haiyan disaster response. When one of the most powerful storms ever recorded on Earth struck the Philippines Nov. 8, 2013, it tore a wide swath of destruction across large parts of the island nation. To assist in the disaster response efforts, scientists at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif., in collaboration with the Italian Space Agency, generated this image of the storm's hardest-hit regions, depicting its destruction. The 40-by-50 kilometer damage proxy map, which covers a region near Tacloban City, where the massive storm made landfall, was processed by JPL's Advanced Rapid Imaging and Analysis (ARIA) team using X-band interferometric synthetic aperture radar data from the Italian Space Agency's COSMO-SkyMed satellite constellation. The technique uses a prototype algorithm to rapidly detect surface changes caused by natural or human-produced damage. The assessment technique is most sensitive to destruction of the built environment. When the radar images areas with little to no destruction, its image pixels are transparent. Increased opacity of the radar image pixels reflects damage, with areas in red reflecting the heaviest damage to cities and towns in the storm's path. The time span of the data for the change is Aug. 19--Nov. 11, 2013. Each pixel in the damage proxy map is about 30 meters across. Image Credit: ASI/NASA/JPL-Caltech Instagram ดารา @nasa 0
5 Days until the launch of #MAVEN, NASA's next Mars explorer: The Mars Atmosphere and Volatile Evolution, or MAVEN, spacecraft will be the first to study the Red Planet's upper atmosphere. Scientists expect data gathered during the MAVEN mission to help explain how Mars' climate has changed over time due to the loss of atmospheric gases. Pictured here is a road sign adjacent to NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Florida that counts down the days until launch. MAVEN is set to launch aboard a United Launch Alliance Atlas V rocket during a 20-day launch period beginning November 18. The one-year mission begins in Sept. 2014, when the spacecraft reaches Mars orbit. Image credit: NASA #roadsign #countdown #321launch #launch #maven #nasa #nasakennedy #ccafs #atlasv #mars #sign #streetsign Instagram ดารา @nasa 0
New View of Saturn! Here’s a natural-color image of Saturn from space, the first in which Saturn, its moons and rings, and Earth, Venus and Mars, all are visible. The new panoramic mosaic of the majestic Saturn system taken by NASA's Cassini spacecraft, which shows the view as it would be seen by human eyes. Cassini's imaging team processed 141 wide-angle images to create the panorama. The image sweeps 404,880 miles (651,591 kilometers) across Saturn and its inner ring system, including all of Saturn's rings out to the E ring, which is Saturn's second outermost ring. For perspective, the distance between Earth and our moon would fit comfortably inside the span of the E ring. Cassini does not attempt many images of Earth because the sun is so close to our planet that an unobstructed view would damage the spacecraft's sensitive detectors. Cassini team members looked for an opportunity when the sun would slip behind Saturn from Cassini's point of view. A good opportunity came on July 19, when Cassini was able to capture a picture of Earth and its moon, and this multi-image, backlit panorama of the Saturn system. Launched in 1997, Cassini has explored the Saturn system for more than nine years. NASA plans to continue the mission through 2017, with the anticipation of many more images of Saturn, its rings and moons, as well as other scientific data. Image Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/SSI #saturn #planets #solarsystem #cassini #telescope #saturnrings #planet #nasa #space #waveatsaturn Instagram ดารา @nasa 0
NASA's MAVEN spacecraft, inside a payload fairing, is hoisted to the top of a United Launch Alliance Atlas V rocket at the Vertical Integration Facility at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station's Space Launch Complex 41. The move and hoisting operations mark another major milestone for the launch team as everything proceeds on schedule to launch Nov. 18, when the Atlas V will lift MAVEN (Mars Atmosphere and Volatile EvolutioN) into space and on to Mars. The two-hour launch window extends from 1:28 to 3:28 p.m. EST. MAVEN is the first spacecraft devoted to exploring and understanding the Martian upper atmosphere. It will orbit the planet in an elliptical orbit that allows it to pass through and sample the entire upper atmosphere on every orbit. The spacecraft will investigate how the loss of Mars' atmosphere to space determined the history of water on the surface. Image Credit: NASA/Kim Shiflett #nasa, #space, #mars, #maven, #planets, #science, ##solarsystem, #martian Instagram ดารา @nasa 0
NASA salutes our country's veterans this Veteran's Day. Seen here is John Young, astronaut and Navy veteran, saluting the U.S. flag at the Descartes landing site during the first Apollo 16 extravehicular activity. Young, commander of the Apollo 16 lunar landing mission, jumps up from the lunar surface as astronaut and Air Force veteran, Charles M. Duke Jr., lunar module pilot, took this picture. The Lunar Module (LM) "Orion" is on the left. The Lunar Roving Vehicle is parked beside the LM. The object behind Young in the shade of the LM is the Far Ultraviolet Camera/Spectrograph. Stone Mountain dominates the background in this lunar scene. Image Credit: NASA, Charles M. Duke Jr. #apollo #nasa #space #moon #veteransday #veteran #astronaut #lunar #eva #spacewalk #usflag #salute #nasahistory Instagram ดารา @nasa 0
“One more sunrise,” tweeted astronaut Karen Nyberg, who captured this image on Nov. 9 from the International Space Station. Sunday will be the last day for the nine-member station crew when Expedition 37 crew members Nyberg, Luca Parmitano and Commander Fyodor Yurchikhin return to Earth. They will undock at 6:27 p.m. EST from the Zvezda service module inside a Soyuz TMA-09M spacecraft and land in Kazakhstan 9:50 p.m. ending a 5-1/2 month stay in space that began in May. Expedition 38 officially begins and the station returns to six-member operations when Expedition 37 undocks. CREDIT: NASA #NASA #station #iss #spacestation #astronauts #space #nasa, #earth #sunrise Instagram ดารา @nasa 0
Typhoon Haiyan seen from the International Space Station: Astronaut Karen Nyberg shared this picture of Typhoon Haiyan early in the morning of Nov. 9, 2013 from the station, some 240 miles above the Earth. Beginning with the Mercury missions in the early 1960s, astronauts have taken photographs of the Earth. Today, the International Space Station (ISS) continues the NASA tradition of Earth observation from human-tended spacecraft. Operational since November 2000, the ISS is well suited for documenting Earth features and provides an excellent stage for observing most populated areas of the world. Images coming down from the International Space Station are processed on a daily basis and include over 1.2 million images through Nov. 1, 2013. Image credit: NASA #typhoon #haiyan #hurricane #supertyphoon #iss #astronauts #astropix #spacestation #earth #storms #severewx #weather Instagram ดารา @nasa 0