This is one of the many reasons why I love this artist ️️️️ @colinchristian Instagram ดารา @mileycyrus 36,038

Lol @ the uni-horn poppp up on dis vid of #tigerdreamz on da #milkymilkymilktour Instagram ดารา @mileycyrus 41,911

“For everyone around the world who cares about the Reef, this is a moment to savor.” The Great Barrier Reef is home to more than 1,500 species of fish, 411 types of hard coral, one-third of the world’s soft corals, 134 species of sharks and rays, six of the world’s seven species of threatened marine turtles, and more than 30 species of marine mammals, including the vulnerable dugong! Fuck yeah to the bill passed by Aussie gov protecting the entire GBR!!!!! Celebrating this winnnnnn fo sho! Instagram ดารา @mileycyrus 67,635

#mileycyrusandherdeadpetz #milkymilkymilktour Instagram ดารา @mileycyrus 92,257

We are bad babies @katyweaver #milkyisontour #milkymilkymilk #milkymilkymilkshow #milkymilkymilktour #mileycyrusandherdeadpetz Instagram ดารา @mileycyrus 14,863

When yooooo hurrrrr match yooooo fooooo & u didnnnnn even need plan dat shi! Instagram ดารา @mileycyrus 32,586

Why can't people be more like rainbows! So beautiful when brought together! This flag represents acceptance in all ways! Not just sexuality in my eyes! #redlovespurple #greenlovesblue #orangelovesyellow ️ Instagram ดารา @mileycyrus 37,114

Yup. A slab of butter playing a blue moonstone Tibetan bowl ️ ( gotta thank @studiodiy for being sooooo bad a$$ / buttery! #fuckyeahforinstafriends ) Instagram ดารา @mileycyrus 35,819

My queens!!!!! @alyssaedwards_1 @laganjaestranja @alyssaedwards_1 #amazonashley ️️️️ #milkymilkymilktour !!!!! #chitown #detroityourdanextvictim Instagram ดารา @mileycyrus 62,971

#milkymilkymilktour #milkymilkymilk Instagram ดารา @mileycyrus 41,664

Photo by my milky milky guest and birfday queen @misspreciousdavis ️️️ #thesun #themoon #howmuchireallyloveyou Instagram ดารา @mileycyrus 0

@colinchristian is a fucking uni-wiz-gician!!!! I can't decide if the best or worst thing in the world that we now are connected and friends!!!! The shit we have , could, and will come up with is out of dissssss world! Our alien ancestors just must bestow the vision upon us! Instagram ดารา @mileycyrus 8,169

Same goezzzzz for fuckin @burntsoulclothing bein bad a$$ and makin my discoooo dreammmz cum twu ️ you meet some wicked ass people on Instagram! Instagram ดารา @mileycyrus 27,801

Fuck yeah @christiancowans !!!! Dis tour is about love and art ... And loving art...... Small venuezzzz & not da Bangerzzzz bujjjjj that's fo sho! I thank everyone from da tip of my heart to da humps on top for all their hard work and understanding! #milkymilkymilktour #milkymilkymilk Instagram ดารา @mileycyrus 44,144

Radical article on @rollingstone about daaaa opening night of the #milkymilkymilktour Instagram ดารา @mileycyrus 39,369

My day ️️️️️ #milkyisontour #milkymilkymilk #milkymilkymilkshow #milkymilkymilktour Instagram ดารา @mileycyrus 87,769

but they CAN be president! I ️ HC!!!!! Not only because she is the same gender as me & or because she is brilliant but because she is COMPASSIONATE!!!!! America has a ️ ! A BIG one! Let's use it! As my (saying this optimistically) future president said best "We cannot abandon our values and humanitarian obligations!" It's not who we are!!!! Instagram ดารา @mileycyrus 19,985

#milkyisontour #milkymilkymilk #milkymilkymilktour Instagram ดารา @mileycyrus 32,622

Almost time for da 1st #milkymilkymilkshow #milkyisgoinontour #milkymilkymilktour #mileycyrusandherdeadpetz Instagram ดารา @mileycyrus 27,303