Never get too attached to someone unless they feel the same way towards you. One sided expectations will kill you. #knowwhereyoustand #michelleandherphotograph Instagram ดารา @michelleunknown 777

Eventually... #อุปทานหมู่ Instagram ดารา @michelleunknown 453

I'm addicted to the way I feel when I think of you. #insomnia #sorryijustcantrightnow Instagram ดารา @michelleunknown 431

Maybe forgetting things is the only way to reach the memories buried deeper down. #michelleandherphotograph #memoriescanlastalifetime Instagram ดารา @michelleunknown 546

Maybe forgetting things is the only way to reach the memories buried deeper down. #michelleandherphotograph #memoriescanlastalifetime Instagram ดารา @michelleunknown 546

even your shadow leaves you when you're in darkness. #michelleandherphotograph Instagram ดารา @michelleunknown 264

I know I can always count on you to make me smile when I need one :) #bffalwaysbymyside #illbeokay Instagram ดารา @michelleunknown 789

It is both a blessing and curse, to feel everything so very deeply. Instagram ดารา @michelleunknown 673

Is there a right way for bein strong? Feels like I'm doing things all wrong. Instagram ดารา @michelleunknown 585

Time passes. Memories fade. Feelings change. People leave. But hearts never forget. #goodnightpeeps Instagram ดารา @michelleunknown 547

What a great night spending time with my fav family. Thank you for a great dinner and happy birthday to p @nkyism kaaa lots of love Instagram ดารา @michelleunknown 599

We can't start over but we can start now and make a new ending. #itstimetostartliving ( lucky stones frome @jewel_passions and crop top from @swedishbluestore ) Instagram ดารา @michelleunknown 161

I have no idea where I would be in life without my family. Literally so blessed. Thank you all for the birthday wishes.️ (thank you channel 3 for my amazing birthday cake, I really love it.) Instagram ดารา @michelleunknown 651

Happy birthday to my sister from another mother god bless you #งานcoverก็มา #เกิดวันเดียวกัน #youlooklikemynextmistake #bdgirl @jjnta @jinbyj Instagram ดารา @michelleunknown 140

What a surprise!!! Thank you for making my birthday so special. Couldn't ask for better friends. Love you loads Instagram ดารา @michelleunknown 747

Just want to take a moment and say 'Thank You' to my friend for all of the birthday surprise. It means a lot to me. I feel very blessed to have each and every one of you as my friend. (Including @fahthipm @nudangssx @kwl.lnvr @yungfavorite ) #offically21 #growoldtogether #bff Instagram ดารา @michelleunknown 690

The tragedy of life is not that it ends so soon, but that we wait so long to begin it. #michelleandherphotograph #illbeokay Instagram ดารา @michelleunknown 866

One of hardest things to do in life, is letting go of what you thought was real. Instagram ดารา @michelleunknown 364

It’s what you do while it’s still dark that puts you in the position to see the light when it comes. Instagram ดารา @michelleunknown 656

You're my place of quiet retreat. -Pslam 119:114 (thanks to my lovely photographer @anyama ) Instagram ดารา @michelleunknown 282