Bye bye Istanbul thank you for everything#fenerbahce #southkorea #hellokorea #finish #miss #excite #vacation #home #family #friends Instagram ดารา @kimyk10 556

Tomorrow final match against vakif bank at 15:00 please cheer us 내일 결승전 4차전경기MBCsport+ 21:00에 있어요 많이 응원 해주세요#yellowangel #fenerbahce #win #final #haydibee Instagram ดารา @kimyk10 1,257

Fenerbahce VS vakif bank at 18:00 오늘 MBCSPOR+ 24:00 결승전 중계 많이 응원 해주세요!!! #iishalamashala #fenerbahce #final #haydibeeeeeeee Instagram ดารา @kimyk10 1,510

Tomorrow at 6:00 against vakif bank, all fener supporter please come to our game 내일 한국시간으로 24:00 MBC스포츠+채널에서 결승 2차전 중계합니다. 늦은 시간이지만 많이 응원해주세요 #mbcsportplus #mizuno #mannatech #final #win #fenerbahce #yellowangels Instagram ดารา @kimyk10 456

많이 시청해주세요^^ Instagram ดารา @kimyk10 243

Happy birthday to @glass6alisha i wish you all the best on your special birthday ️ Instagram ดารา @kimyk10 527

We are the champion️#cev #champion #god #fans #fenerbahce #teammate #thanks Instagram ดารา @kimyk10 1,942

Good night from ekaterinburg:)😴#cev #final #sleep #champion #iishala Instagram ดารา @kimyk10 946

촬영중~~~ #naşantaşı #naj #model #dress #actress #fashion #tv #mbc Instagram ดารา @kimyk10 0

MBC 여행 프로그램 둘이서 세계로~~~배우 해영언니랑 #interview #camera #mbc Instagram ดารา @kimyk10 0

We are here in canakkale #sea #gameday #let'sgofener Instagram ดารา @kimyk10 0

Fe bu ne ya #scary #funny #pillow #brazil-style #alisha #fegaray Instagram ดารา @kimyk10 0

오늘 라이벌 갈라타사라이 경기 많이 응원 해주세요^^ #fenerbahceVSgaratasaray #importangame #MBCsportplus #koreantime23:00 #turkeytime16:00 Instagram ดารา @kimyk10 0

달력이 도착했어요 팬 클럽 여러분들 감사합니다^^ 2014 CALENDAR came :) Thank you so much my fan club #2014 #yeonkoungholic #great Instagram ดารา @kimyk10 0

김연아 선수 경기를 터키에서 볼수있다니!!!!!! 너무 감동적인 연기였다 비디오속에 우리 엄마 말처럼 속이 이제 후련하겠어요 고생한만큼 이젠 아무 생각없이 푹 쉬셨으면 좋겠습니다 #감동 #은메달 #아쉬움 #기쁨 # 마지막 #대단한선수 Instagram ดารา @kimyk10 0

Good morning in bodrum️#spa #breakfast #sunny #cokguzel Instagram ดารา @kimyk10 0

Happy Valentine's Day️#Chocolate #rose #love Instagram ดารา @kimyk10 0

오늘 저녁 8시에 MBC SPORT PLUS 많이 시청해주세요^^ 한국에서 뛰었던 용병 미아와 케니도 볼수있어요 Fenerbahce VS bursa Instagram ดารา @kimyk10 0

Ohhhhh in Finland they writing korea words Instagram ดารา @kimyk10 0

A sunday can be that much perfect, full o sun, delicious breakfast and a missed friendship #happy #sea #talk Instagram ดารา @kimyk10 0