J On The Moon concert Instagram ดารา @katreeya_e 0

Best part of today Instagram ดารา @katreeya_e 0

Praying and sending good merits to everyone on my birthday Instagram ดารา @katreeya_e 0

Dad's first breath of fresh air since his operation, @ the park in the hospital grounds.. He thoroughly enjoyed it!! Instagram ดารา @katreeya_e 0

2nd day out of ICU, Dad sat up and had some toast and jam for breakfast Still dozing on and off Instagram ดารา @katreeya_e 0

After a 5hr operation, Dad is doing extremely well!! Resting in ICU for the night for observation. Thanks to everyone for ur kind support and Big thanks to the team of excellent Doctors, Assistants and Nurses Instagram ดารา @katreeya_e 0

Dad, all smiles and good spirits with his funny anesthesiologist (Dr. Moe), going in to the operating theatre Instagram ดารา @katreeya_e 0

Doctors found 2 tumors in my dad's brain Dad will undergo surgery to have them removed at 8am tomorrow morning.... Praying for you Dad.. Love you Instagram ดารา @katreeya_e 0

Hhhmmm Instagram ดารา @katreeya_e 0

Keeping dad company in hospital with family.. Playing UNO and making spirits high Instagram ดารา @katreeya_e 0

Father & daughter.. in hospital Instagram ดารา @katreeya_e 0

Dad just got admitted in to hospital.. and I'm still sick Instagram ดารา @katreeya_e 0

White Sensation Instagram ดารา @katreeya_e 0

White Sensation Instagram ดารา @katreeya_e 0

White Sensation Instagram ดารา @katreeya_e 0