Mama? What's Easter? Why do they associate Jesus's resurrection with egg hunting? And WHY am I laying in purple faux hay on grass? 😮 #KaleiaLively Instagram ดารา @kalorin 81

Oh my! Look what we found at the Egg Hunt!! #LemLem #KaleiaLively #EasterEggHunt #SpringVibes #MamaBear Instagram ดารา @kalorin 55

It's a good #GoodFriday .. Hope you never lose your sense of wonder my favorite little man! @abelandkaleia #EasterWeekend #HappyEaster #EggHunt #Calabasas Instagram ดารา @kalorin 16

Hey Friday, you sexy feline.. I see you! #YourYummyMummy #BBHMM : @atleysiauw #MamaVibes #SoCal #CaliLivin #WestCoastShit #FuturesTooBright #Shaded #UpRightNow #CaliGirl Instagram ดารา @kalorin 73

Very thankful & grateful for the life I live. Thank you @atleysiauw for making every single one of my dreams (and nightmares ) come true. ️ #YourYummyMummy Instagram ดารา @kalorin 66

#tbt to 13 years ago .. And 1,000,000 more years to go .. Oh my have we blossomed! I'm waiting for the day to hold your clammy sweaty hands! #WereGettingHitched #MySoupThief #SheGuzzlesMySoup #Sisters #Forever #GemmaPeanutGallery Instagram ดารา @kalorin 42

"When life throws you.. 🍋s" up on #YourYummyMummy : @atleysiauw #SmellsLikeCoachella #Chella #SpringMama #DessertVibes #AnalogueVibes #LifeInAnalogue #SoHotOut #SoCalVibes #YummyMummy Instagram ดารา @kalorin 51

Free smiles for everyone Kaleia is in her 'I Heart You' by #TwoTykes #KaleiaLively Instagram ดารา @kalorin 139

Saturday Vibez Instagram ดารา @kalorin 42

Happy 2 Months Sweetheart @abelandkaleia #MyMiniatureGoddess Instagram ดารา @kalorin 76

Day 6 .. Another day closer to my goal #SoHighThatsWhereIllBe #ChaseThatBurnBaby #YepThatsFatYouSee #NoIDontCare #INeedToSeeProgress #ProgressReport #FitLife #FitWife #Squats #Scissors #MountainClimbers #LegUps #AbWorkOuts Instagram ดารา @kalorin 82

Day 5 of @tristeezy_mma kicking my ass.. Thanks for the saran wrap advice girl! @tracycrist #MyPT #SoHighThatsWhereIllBe #ChaseThatBurnBaby #BurningFat #FatBurner #HurtsSoGood #ByeByeBelly #8WeeksPostpartum Instagram ดารา @kalorin 15

Because I work hard for it #ShamelessSelfie #Werq Instagram ดารา @kalorin 93

Day 4 #UpRightNow #SoHighThatsWhereIllBe #ChaseThatBurnBaby @atleysiauw_ Instagram ดารา @kalorin 60

Locked down for life .. @abelandkaleia #8Weeks #LittleLady #KaleiaLively #HappyTuesday Instagram ดารา @kalorin 88

Morning view #HeartMelt #PapaBear #KaleiaLively @abelandkaleia Instagram ดารา @kalorin 16

Bun game #OnFleek. It's Summ...I mean, it's Spring! Spring, Kal. It's Spring in #SoCal! 🌞 #INeedAVacation #YourYummyMummy Instagram ดารา @kalorin 74

s p i r i t u a l . g a n g s t e r #YourYummyMummy #ThatsSoLA Instagram ดารา @kalorin 35

There's nothing wrong with Mondays.. Perhaps maybe it's you? #HappyMonday #MomLife #SpritualGangster #YourYummyMummy Instagram ดารา @kalorin 8