Thank u for the fear of God stuff @Jerrylorenzo . Jerry Lorenzo is pushing fashion culture forward and I'm glad to know him. Instagram ดารา @justinbieber 290,775
Checkout the new United album on iTunes Instagram ดารา @justinbieber 66,237
U can see my nips if u look close Instagram ดารา @justinbieber 272,201
Don't u wish u knew my snapchat Instagram ดารา @justinbieber 241,729
Funniest text today thanks @mikelernerphoto Instagram ดารา @justinbieber 226,018
Vindicate me, my god, and plead my cause against an unfaithful nation. Rescue me from those who are deceitful and wicked. - Psalms 43 Instagram ดารา @justinbieber 58,363
Little sweat never hurt nobody Instagram ดารา @justinbieber 307,281
Somebody likes my song Instagram ดารา @justinbieber 268,502
A little jazz night Instagram ดารา @justinbieber 73,364
A little jazz night Instagram ดารา @justinbieber 104,901
Great end to a great day Instagram ดารา @justinbieber 111,316
@easymoneysniper is the best target cuz he's giant Instagram ดารา @justinbieber 150,457
Why would you do that Instagram ดารา @justinbieber 213,373
Pretty much the best day of my life Instagram ดารา @justinbieber 238,677
Just got off FaceTime with the beautiful @lauralentz .. I miss your breakfast, well I guess I miss u too Instagram ดารา @justinbieber 46,657