I'm back on @jimmyfallon tonight with our #secrethandshake 🏻🏻🏻🏻🏻🏻🏻🏻🏻🏻🏻🏻 Instagram ดารา @justinbieber 286,030

On sale for #PurposeWorldTour starts at 10am local tomorrow. Added some more dates for first leg www.justinbiebermusic.com/tour Instagram ดารา @justinbieber 187,007

Ryan wants that number 1 in the uk Michael Alexander where r u at? Instagram ดารา @justinbieber 37,008

#PURPOSE Instagram ดารา @justinbieber 186,553

Watch the NEW #CarpoolKaraoke with @jkcorden @latelateshow out now -----> https://t.co/TdTyZQU4ra Instagram ดารา @justinbieber 535,214

Tonight we are back at it again. carpool karaoke with @jkcorden on the late late show @cbs #littleboxbigboxcardboardbox Instagram ดารา @justinbieber 249,852

#Wcw Candice Instagram ดารา @justinbieber 115,137

Love yourself Instagram ดารา @justinbieber 244,042

Thank you Paris for the sick dance vids Instagram ดารา @justinbieber 419,679

Me and my dad Instagram ดารา @justinbieber 346,493

Taking over UK's @capitalofficial tonight for the #purpose album party. Tune in at 7. And as promised I followed u Roman. Instagram ดารา @justinbieber 152,228

Little Dave Mathews Instagram ดารา @justinbieber 11,075

@iamhalsey Instagram ดารา @justinbieber 176,609

It's time. @todayshow right now. #purpose and I brought friends with me @iamhalsey @bigsean Instagram ดารา @justinbieber 159,658

Wake up motha #%%%%%% #biebertoday Instagram ดารา @justinbieber 154,008

On my way. Love the dedication. Thank u. See you soon @todayshow . #biebertoday Instagram ดารา @justinbieber 120,750