원곡도많이들어줘요~!! 😎😎😎😎#aomg #followthemovement Instagram ดารา @jparkitrighthere 10,080

Solo (unpretty remix) 나왔어요~ remix is out shout out to Yeji and @satgotloco #aomg #followthemovement Instagram ดารา @jparkitrighthere 8,518

Solo ft @hoodykim M/V 공개됫어요 ㅎㅎ Directed by @jinooyamakes 여주인공 @syllyworld shout out to you for still doing it even though it was last minute #wasitreal #aretheyacting #aomg #Solo #연기쩔지않아 #연시맞지 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Instagram ดารา @jparkitrighthere 2,889

오늘밤 11시 저랑 차차 언프리티랩스타2 나옵니다 그리고 오늘밤 12시에 Solo 뮤비 공게됩니다 Solo M/V at 12 tonight! Directed by @jinooyamakes #aomg #followthemovement #Solo #Unprettyrapstar Instagram ดารา @jparkitrighthere 844

#Repost @prepixstudio with @repostapp. ・・・ Special Workshop 2 !! #Daniel_Jerome #일시 | 2015. 10. 4 SUN , PM6:00 ~ PM7:00 #장소 | Prepix Dance Studio (서울 강남구 신사동 647-8 3층) #참가비 | 3만원 #참가방법 | 이메일로 제목 "Daniel Jerome Workshop 2 " 성함 , 연락처를 보내주세요!! (prepixstudio@naver.com) ---------------------------------------------- CONTACT & 문의 > | 02-518-1470 E-mail | prepixstudio@naver.com kakao ID | prepixstudio #wod #prepix #workshop #dance #urban #daniel #jerome #special #korea #studio #class #신청 #두번째 Instagram ดารา @jparkitrighthere 5,073

스타테드프럼더보톰나우위희열 #aomg #followthemovement #오늘본방사수 #Repost @callmegray with @repostapp. ・・・ 내일 #mbc #라디오스타 #RadioStar #변화무쌍 특집 0930 Instagram ดารา @jparkitrighthere 8,133

Sik-K New Single 새싱글 01. 제목미정 (feat. Crucial Star, Taylor) 02. What The Hell (feat. Donutman, ELO) Cover by @unionswg Instagram ดารา @jparkitrighthere 8,090

Follow the fam @danieljerome #aom #aomg #weworkingbaby #worldwideshit #startedfromthebottomnowwehere #꼭보삼 #팔로우하삼 https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Q0Z3tLvUr9c Instagram ดารา @jparkitrighthere 5,206

처음에 왜 유명한작곡가한테곡안받고 "왜차차랑하냐" 란의견이 내주위에도많았고 팬분들끼리도있었는데 4년만의 지금 이렇게됫네 방송도같이나오고 ㅎㅎㅎ워... At first ppl were like why dont you work with famous producers~ why do you work with Cha Cha...look at us now~~ 4 years~~ #aomg #followthemovement #bboyshit #담주언프리티랩스타나옴 #Solo잘듣고있나 #해피추석 #왜저사진썼지 #언프리티에내안티있음 Instagram ดารา @jparkitrighthere 9,521

쉑 삼둥이~ trio of swag ㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎ #aomg #followthemovement Instagram ดารา @jparkitrighthere 7,263

Facebook에서도 솔로이길바라는사람 있음태그하라고했는데 친구들끼리저주내리고있음 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 그런의미가아니였는데......#Solo #aomg #followthemovement Instagram ดารา @jparkitrighthere 6,331

SOLO 잘듣고있나요~? 솔로이길바라는사람태그하기.. ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 부끄러우면 그냥 박재범 태그해요 푸하하하 M/V Coming Soon Directed by @jinooyamakes #Solo #aomg Instagram ดารา @jparkitrighthere 3,968

새싱글 'Solo' 나왔어요 M/V Coming Soon.... #aomg #followthemovement #Solo Instagram ดารา @jparkitrighthere 2,051

It's Out!! 노래 나왔습니다 Jay Park - Solo ft. @hoodykim Prod. By @chachamalone Album artwork by @uknowminakwon #aomg #followthemovement #Solo Instagram ดารา @jparkitrighthere 2,434

#Repost @prepixstudio with @repostapp. ・・・ Special Workshop!! #Daniel_Jerome #일시 | 2015. 10. 4 SUN , PM4:00 ~ PM5:00 #장소 | Prepix Dance Studio (서울 강남구 신사동 647-8 3층) #참가비 | 3만원 #참가방법 | 이메일로 제목 "Daniel Jerome Workshop" 성함 , 연락처를 보내주세요!! (prepixstudio@naver.com) ---------------------------------------------- CONTACT & 문의 > | 02-518-1470 E-mail | prepixstudio@naver.com kakao ID | prepixstudio #wod #prepix #workshop #dance #urban #daniel #jerome #special #korea #studio #class #신청 Instagram ดารา @jparkitrighthere 7,182

웨건형 아람씨 생축 ㅋㅋhappy bday #AOMG #followthemovement Instagram ดารา @jparkitrighthere 10,016