เข้าระบบด้วย Facebook
Study without desire spoils the memory, and it retains nothing that it takes in. 목적 없는 공부는 기억에 해가 될 뿐이며, 머리 속에 들어온 어떤 것도 간직하지 못한다. - 레오나르도 다 빈치, Leonardo da Vinci Instagram ดารา @hwangssabu 0
Everybody~ I say "SWAG", U say "CHECK"! Goood~~~ If you laugh, blessing will come your way !^____^ Instagram ดารา @hwangssabu 0
Stop saying "tomorrow" U got it~!! Hwangssabu-Rules time, right now~^^< Instagram ดารา @hwangssabu 0
Success is never permanent, and failure is never final. 성공은 절대로 영원하지 않고 실패는 절대로 끝이 아니다. - 마이크 디트카, Mike Ditka Instagram ดารา @hwangssabu 0
Watching U~! Do not overeat! Tonight! Instagram ดารา @hwangssabu 0
There isn't a person anwhere that isn't capable of doing more than he thinks he can. 사람은 누구나 자기가 할 수 있다고 믿는 것 이상의 것을 할 수 있다. - 헨리 포드, Henry Ford Instagram ดารา @hwangssabu 0
No matter "WHAT WHEN WHERE"Always remember Hwangssabu Rules! ^^< Instagram ดารา @hwangssabu 0
A wise man makes more opportunities than he finds. 현명한 사람은 자기가 발견하는 이상의 많은 기회를 만든다. - 프랜시스 베이컨, Francis Bacon Instagram ดารา @hwangssabu 0
Lee priest WOW~^^ - NABBA/WFF KOREA Instagram ดารา @hwangssabu 0
A goal without a plan is just a wish. 계획 없는 목표는 한낱 꿈에 불과하다. - 앙투안 드 생텍쥐페리, Antoine de Saint-Exupery Instagram ดารา @hwangssabu 0
Hwangssabu Rules? Basic Tips for Health and Diet at regular intervals even better! 1. Stretching right now 2. Drink a cup of water slowly 3. Clap beats 30 times 4. Last laugh out loud ^__^ That was easy! Often these can maintain the health!^^ Do it~ Instagram ดารา @hwangssabu 0
What you can do, or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it. 당신이 할 수 있는 것 혹은 할 수 있다고 꿈꾸는 것이 있다면 시작하라. 대담함은 비범한 재능과 힘과 마법을 지니고 있다. - 괴테, Goethe Instagram ดารา @hwangssabu 0
Well, what a u doing now~?!? Now is "Hwangssabu Rules" time^^ If u do this, and if u send a photo, Like U~^^ Instagram ดารา @hwangssabu 0
Tomorrows Victory is from the PAIN of Today~^^ Instagram ดารา @hwangssabu 0
Optimism is essential to achievement and it is also the foundation of courage and true progress. 낙관적인 태도는 목표 달성에 필수불가결한 요소이며, 용기와 진정한 발전의 토대다. - 로이드 알렉산더, Lloyd Alexander Instagram ดารา @hwangssabu 0
Do not let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do. 할 수 없는 일이 할 수 있는 일을 방해하게 하지 말라. - 존 우든, John Wooden Instagram ดารา @hwangssabu 0
A good listener is not only popular everywhere, but after a while he gets to know something. 남의 말을 경청하는 사람은 어디서나 사랑받을 뿐 아니라 시간이 흐르면 지식을 얻게 된다. - 윌슨 마이즈너, Wilson Mizner Instagram ดารา @hwangssabu 0