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The Loneliness of Self-Discipline(고독한 자기관리) 502편! Instagram ดารา @hwangssabu 0
"황싸부 룰(Hwangssabu Rules)"이란? 건강과 다이어트를 위한 기본 수칙으로 일정한 간격으로 하시면 더욱 좋습니다. 먼저 제자리에서 스트레칭하고 물한잔 천천히 드시고 박수 10번 신나게 치고 마지막으로 크게 웃는 겁니다!!^^ 쉽죠! 자주 하셔요^^ Hwangssabu Rules? Basic Tips for Health and Diet at regular intervals even better! 1. Stretching right now 2. Drink a cup of water slowly 3. Clap beats 30 times 4. Last laugh out loud ^__^ That was easy! Often these can maintain the health!^^ Do it~ Instagram ดารา @hwangssabu 0
Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail. 길이 이끄는 곳으로 가지 말고, 길이 없는 곳에 가서 흔적을 남겨라. - 랄프 월도 에머슨, Ralph Waldo Emerson Instagram ดารา @hwangssabu 0
Well, what a u doing now~?!? Now is "Hwangssabu Rules" time^^ If u do this, and if u send a photo, Like U~^^ Instagram ดารา @hwangssabu 0
Tomorrow is now. 내일이 곧 지금이다. - 엘리너 루즈벨트, Eleaner Roosevelt Instagram ดารา @hwangssabu 0
Dance for Minzy's Happy Birthday~^^* Instagram ดารา @hwangssabu 0
Weekend! Don't overeat~^^* Instagram ดารา @hwangssabu 0
It is not enough to have knowledge, one must apply it. It is not enough to have wishes, one must also accomplish it. 지식을 갖는 것만으로는 충분치 않다. 적용해야 한다. 소망을 갖는 것만으로는 충분치 않다. 성취해야 한다. - 괴테, Goethe Instagram ดารา @hwangssabu 0
Everybody upload special "Hwangssabu-Rules" about your Country! gogogo~ Instagram ดารา @hwangssabu 0
황싸부's 식욕 보존의 법칙 제14화 운동 시간을 만들자~ http://storyball.daum.net/episode/2423 press press Heart^^* Instagram ดารา @hwangssabu 0
To move the world, we must first move ourselves. 세상을 움직이려면 먼저 나 자신을 움직여야 한다. - 소크라테스, Socrates Instagram ดารา @hwangssabu 0
복싱 끝나고 무섭게 쳐다보는 주지용 ㅋㅋㅋ (황싸부's 식욕 보존의 법칙 제14화 혼자서도 잘해요~^^* http://storyball.daum.net/episode/2378 ) Instagram ดารา @hwangssabu 0
Action must be taken at once! There is no time to be lost. 행동은 즉시 취해져야 한다. 허비할 시간이 없기 때문이다. - 미구엘 히달고, Miguel Hidalgo Instagram ดารา @hwangssabu 0
Awesome~^^* BigBang Japan Dome Tour 2013-2014 Instagram ดารา @hwangssabu 0
No matter "WHAT WHEN WHERE"Always remember Hwangssabu Rules! ^^< Instagram ดารา @hwangssabu 0
Many people dream of success. To me success can only be achieved through repeated failure and introspection. 많은 사람들이 성공을 꿈꾼다. 내게 있어 성공은 오직 반복적인 실패와 자기반성을 통해서만 가능하다. - 혼다 소이치로, Soichiro Honda Instagram ดารา @hwangssabu 0
Hwangssabu Rules? Basic Tips for Health and Diet at regular intervals even better! 1. Stretching right now 2. Drink a cup of water slowly 3. Clap beats 30 times 4. Last laugh out loud ^__^ That was easy! Often these can maintain the health!^^ Do it~ Instagram ดารา @hwangssabu 0
황싸부's 식욕 보존의 법칙 제14화 혼자서도 잘해요~^^* http://storyball.daum.net/episode/2378 하트를 눌러주는 센스~ Instagram ดารา @hwangssabu 0
success seems to be connected with action. Successful men keep moving. They make mistakes, but they do not quit. 성공은 행동과 연결돼 있는 것으로 보인다. 성공하는 사람은 끊임없이 움직인다. 실수를 저지르기도 하지만 결코 포기하지 않는다. - 콘래드 힐튼, Conrad Hilton Instagram ดารา @hwangssabu 0