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Hwang Ssabu เทรนเนอร์ YG

YG Captain trainer /Jiujiteiro

얼굴 찡그리지말아요~!^^* Instagram ดารา @hwangssabu 4,839

Let's you make a habit of "Hwangssabu Rules"! If u do this, and if u send a photo, I love U~^^ Instagram ดารา @hwangssabu 872

제20기 지도자 및 심판세미나 - WAKO KOREA 수고하셨습니다~!^^* #대한킥복싱협회#WACOKOEA Instagram ดารา @hwangssabu 1,856

제20기 지도자 및 심판세미나 - WAKO KOREA gogogo~ Instagram ดารา @hwangssabu 1,115

He who labors diligently need never despair, for all things are acomplished by diligence and labors. 근면하게 노력하는 자에게 절망이란 필요하지 않다. 모든 일은 근면과 노력에 의해 성취되기 때문이다. - 메난드로스, Menandros Instagram ดารา @hwangssabu 1,763

Don't overeat on the weekend! Instagram ดารา @hwangssabu 4,420

The Loneliness of Self-Discipline(고독한 자기관리) 572편! #홍대싸비 Instagram ดารา @hwangssabu 1,862

호윤~! 호진보다 강하다 ㅋㅋㅋ ㅠㅠㅠ Instagram ดารา @hwangssabu 4,817

No matter "WHAT WHEN WHERE"Always remember Hwangssabu Rules! ^^< Instagram ดารา @hwangssabu 796

Let me tell you the secret that has ld me to my goal, my strength lies solely in my tenacity. 내가 목표를 이뤄낸 비밀은 이것이다. 내가 가진 능력은 오로지 끈기뿐이다. - 루이 파스퇴르, Louis Pasteur Instagram ดารา @hwangssabu 1,722

The Loneliness of Self-Discipline(고독한 자기관리) 571편! Instagram ดารา @hwangssabu 1,550

Don't let failure get you down. Babe Ruth struck out 1,300 times. 실패했다고 주저앉지 말라. 베이브 루스는 1,300번이나 스트라이크 아웃을 당했다. - 루 홀츠, Lou Holtz Instagram ดารา @hwangssabu 1,755

Good job~ Instagram ดารา @hwangssabu 2,813

The Loneliness of Self-Discipline(고독한 자기관리) 570편! Boxing Day~!#아디다스복싱 Instagram ดารา @hwangssabu 2,315

Stop saying "tomorrow" U got it~!! Hwangssabu-Rules time, right now~^^< Instagram ดารา @hwangssabu 2,972

The difference between a successful person and the others is not a lack of strength and not a lack of knowledge, but a lack of will. 성공하는 사람과 실패하는 사람의 차이는 능력이나 지식의 부족이 아니라 의지력의 부족에 있다. - 빈스 롬바르디, Vince Lombardi Instagram ดารา @hwangssabu 2,006

추위 따위는 가라~! #홍대싸비 Instagram ดารา @hwangssabu 2,840

Eating well, sleeping well, and exercising well are very importing things to do to maintain a healthy life.#HwangssabuRules Instagram ดารา @hwangssabu 1,929

Action may not bring happiness, but there is no happiness without action. 행동이 반드시 행복을 안겨주지 않을지는 몰라도 행동없는 행복이란 없다. - 윌리엄 제임스, William James Instagram ดารา @hwangssabu 303

[MASTA WU – '이리와봐(COME HERE)' (feat.Dok2,BOBBY)] Available on iTunes @ #MASTAWU #이리와봐 Instagram ดารา @hwangssabu 4,338

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