Good morning TPE-BKK ️ Instagram ดารา @howardwang8885 198

#Goodnite #Instagram #howardwang #focusonmyfuture #photoshoot Instagram ดารา @howardwang8885 696

Honey Ice cream banana pancake!!! #matcha #greentea #munchies Instagram ดารา @howardwang8885 469

@ show hand tattoo shop, talking about a new piece #taipeitattoo #showhand @cwang_610 Instagram ดารา @howardwang8885 171

Gold toilet seat #2dope Instagram ดารา @howardwang8885 396

Good morning people! 😎 Goin 2 Malaysia live @club sense New Years show! #senseclub #liveonstage #taipei #malaysia Instagram ดารา @howardwang8885 297

New Zara jacket!! Turn up!! Instagram ดารา @howardwang8885 489

Graffiti tag Taipei 2014 Instagram ดารา @howardwang8885 160

Line camera with my Nu! Bobo Amalawan Tokyo 2 Taipei @mmyamalawan good morning everyone! ️ Instagram ดารา @howardwang8885 443

"Party 2nite" new single (coming to you live) Taipei, KL Malaysia, SIngapore, China #liveonstage Instagram ดารา @howardwang8885 135

I my grandma!!!! Instagram ดารา @howardwang8885 286

Another selfie!! 😎 #dayoff #ready4work #focus #busyday Instagram ดารา @howardwang8885 43

Saturday nite "we dem boyz" Instagram ดารา @howardwang8885 471

Artwork 11/21/2014 "mind sperm" Instagram ดารา @howardwang8885 306

Collection pics of LINE camera #longdistance #bobo #relationship #taipei #bkk Instagram ดารา @howardwang8885 481

Welcome 2 Taipei! xing-yi area #chill #gym #feelingood #cityboy Instagram ดารา @howardwang8885 424

Body check NOV/20th/2014 Instagram ดารา @howardwang8885 468

Salmon pasta & US fillet steak #chefhoward #cookbymyself Instagram ดารา @howardwang8885 402

Follow my big brother! That's bein down with me since day one! @nickypimp9 help promote his product 9 inch classic! Instagram ดารา @howardwang8885 35

Hate is love, love is hate there's a thin line between it -this face says she wana kill me! @mmyamalawan Instagram ดารา @howardwang8885 173