Let's update #iOS9 Instagram ดารา @farisrahimie 2,061

Repost from #hino2033 via #igrepost_app, 월드스타#PSY #현대카드#정태영부회장님 과의 삼거리푸줏간 3geori_butchers 식사후 이태원 #현대카드뮤직라이브러리 Understage date 각자 좋아하는 LP신청~~~~~^ 꿈꾸듯 행복한 저녁~~^^ 대한민국에 이런공간이 있다는것에 현대카드가 더욱사랑스러워졌다는ㅎ 모든사람의 일상에서 music이란.... 잊고있던...함께했던 모든것들을 다시 일깨워 소통하게해주는 삶의 tinker bell 이다 뮤직라이브러리이후 나는 다시 음악을 다운받기시작했다 어제하루만 빅뱅의 #if you 20번 ㅎㅎ #eltonjohn #understage 기대기대 언더스테이지 에서 들은 If you 완전 감동ㅎ #everything_ygfamily Instagram ดารา @farisrahimie 1,060

#Repost with @anatoliytsoy_official , @gulvira_producer & @zarinakan Instagram ดารา @farisrahimie 700

#Repost with @berkut_kazakhstan & @aisha_vee Instagram ดารา @farisrahimie 1,019

#Repost with @raline_shah 😬 누가 돌아왔다 봐 I'm Back! You all miss oppa?! Instagram ดารา @farisrahimie 1,797

With @billymorrisonmusic & @ozzyosbourne Instagram ดารา @farisrahimie 1,963

#MTVbaseAfrica: (SA) Incase you missed today's #SpankingNew, you can still check it out at 17:30 CAT.#psy ft @SnoopDogg #Hangover Instagram ดารา @farisrahimie 36

@jimmykimmellive, @snoopdogg the West Coast #HangOver Instagram ดารา @farisrahimie 1,539

#Repost from @chaelin_cl : @snoopdogg @psy_oppaofficial #hangover video izzz out! Instagram ดารา @farisrahimie 2,119

#Repost from @jimmykimmellive TONIGHT @Psy_OppaOfficial, @SnoopDogg and Jimmy karaoke together on our #Kimmel primetime NBA Game Night special at 7e|6c and after the game on the West Coast on ABC! Here's a sneak peek... Instagram ดารา @farisrahimie 2,083

Best way to listen to music #in-earphone @SOULElectronics Instagram ดารา @farisrahimie 371

#HANGOVER D-4 Instagram ดารา @farisrahimie 733

#HANGOVER w/ @SnoopDogg on June 8th ;) #SnoopDOGG #PSY Instagram ดารา @farisrahimie 1,873

20억뷰라...아주 감격스럽고 아주 부담스러운 스코어네요...감사한 마음을 담아서 더 즐거운 콘텐츠로 곧 돌아오겠습니다!! #정말감사합니다 . Very honorable and burdensome numbers. With the appreciation,I'll come back soon with more joyful one! #THX Instagram ดารา @farisrahimie 2,861

Fly #AsianaAirlines :) Instagram ดารา @farisrahimie 0

Cc @snoopdogg :) Instagram ดารา @farisrahimie 0

Happy 2014 to all my followers like this pic!! cc @XXXIBGDRGN #뚱뗑이와홀쭉이 #복마니마니 Instagram ดารา @farisrahimie 0

Gethering with this guy!! #iamwill always giving me somthing good because he's something good!! lol Instagram ดารา @farisrahimie 0

I promised to bring this chip to @SnoopDogg! #포카칩 lol Instagram ดารา @farisrahimie 0

Hello #London Instagram ดารา @farisrahimie 0