I do like this... The water comes from the ceiling... Instagram ดารา @don_thai 0

Hello my love! Oh how I've missed you!!! Instagram ดารา @don_thai 0

Aloha! I'm back!!! 😎 Instagram ดารา @don_thai 0

Vacation's over... Back to work! Instagram ดารา @don_thai 0

Spoiled girl Instagram ดารา @don_thai 0

My mom's dog Gook-Kai Instagram ดารา @don_thai 0

You think this is enough Veuve for the New Year? Instagram ดารา @don_thai 0

Family Lunch! Instagram ดารา @don_thai 0

@hwahwa_chinadolls @yayaying_yaya thanks for stopping by! Good to see you guys😎 Instagram ดารา @don_thai 0

Thanks for dinner @chartayodom & @sunisajett great to see you guys!!! Instagram ดารา @don_thai 0

We were stuck behind this Bus&Sign for 2 hours!!! It's a sign saying that @drmeemz should get her wedding dress from here on sale Instagram ดารา @don_thai 0

Royce Chocolate Champgne flavor and Champgne Instagram ดารา @don_thai 0

I walked long and hard getting these chocolates and then I found out that I can easily get them in Thailand Royce Chocolate Champagne flavor Instagram ดารา @don_thai 0