Now on itunes baby dont stop thaitanium featuring lydia and big calo and also Southside new single Raangz @khanthaitay @sdthaitay @calojaycalo @djaybuddah @twopee @thaitay @freddyvz #thaitay #thaitanium #bangkokinvaders #runbkk Instagram ดารา @daboyway 0

This friday at VIE HOTEL come party with me and the bangkok invaders @djaybuddah @djtonybkkinvaders DjBirdz and Dj Double B #bangkokinvaders #runbkk #wepartyingcuzwefrigginfeellikeit Instagram ดารา @daboyway 0

"I'm leaning on any nigga intervening With the sound of my money machine-in" Jay-z Instagram ดารา @daboyway 0

Anybody who know me they know im abt that grind.. Instagram ดารา @daboyway 0

She gets me everytime. #benabrooklynguy Instagram ดารา @daboyway 0

@neversaycutz made the paper today. #teamnvsc Instagram ดารา @daboyway 0

He's in a good mood today. #benabrooklynguy Instagram ดารา @daboyway 0

This weekend in UDON see u tmrw. Instagram ดารา @daboyway 0

#teamintachai @nanarybena Instagram ดารา @daboyway 0

Bangkok City what up!! @djneilarmstrong will be on the 1's and 2's tonight at Bed Supper Club come thru and show your support. @djaybuddah @deejayono #bangkokinvaders #thaitay #thaitanium Instagram ดารา @daboyway 0

See u soon. Instagram ดารา @daboyway 0

New single Baby Dont Stop dropping May 22nd Thaitanium featuring Big Calo and ????? #babydontstop #thaitay #thaitanium #thaihiphop @khanthaitay @sdthaitay @djaybuddah @calojaycalo Instagram ดารา @daboyway 0

Chopped it up with the homie @verbal_ambush and @lucasvalentine thank u for inviting us to the studio. #tourlife #thaitay #thaitanium #japan2013 #bangkoktokyoconnection @khanthaitay @sdthaitay @calojaycalo Instagram ดารา @daboyway 0

Let's Ride video shoot is a wrap. Video coming soon. @khanthaitay @sdthaitay @calojaycalo @maichi5xl #hoodsounds #thaitay #thaitanium #tourlife Instagram ดารา @daboyway 0

Politicing on our next moves. #tourlife #thaitay #thaitanium #japan2013 @calojaycalo @sdthaitay @khanthaitay Instagram ดารา @daboyway 0

Yeah ummmm... Obama cheered us on. @backy045 @cogabkkinvaders @twopee @freddyvz @calojaycalo #tourlife #okinawasake #locohama Instagram ดารา @daboyway 0

Still got it after all these years. My body is definitely gonna be sore tmrw. #tourlife Instagram ดารา @daboyway 0

Asked for a fade came out with a baldy. "Sigh" #neversaycutz #nvsc #tourlife @backy045 @cogabkkinvaders @calojaycalo Instagram ดารา @daboyway 0

Lost in translation. Hope this haircut comes out correct. #neversaycutz #nvsc #tourlife Instagram ดารา @daboyway 0