Found my track "We need love" reviewed by my brother/Slur drummer Aim. Cyndi Seui 's Slice and Dice will be release in this nearest future #CyndiSeui #Kitschcat #SLICEandDICE #electro #electrofunk #electropop #electroboogie #80s #modernfunk #dj Instagram ดารา @cyndiseui 37

Fat Back #Fatbackband #fatback #discofunk #funk #cyndivinyl Instagram ดารา @cyndiseui 17

BarKays on the groovy boogie funk years #barkays #boogiefunk #discofunk #funk #cyndivinyl Instagram ดารา @cyndiseui 10

I had interview with Happening magazine about Cyndi seui record's influence #CyndiSeui #happening #olympicdigger Instagram ดารา @cyndiseui 16

Getting this record for my favorite tracks "Festival" and ready to dance #wyndChimes #boogie #electrofunk #80s #cyndivinyl Instagram ดารา @cyndiseui 20

Mandrill in their disco funk years #mandrill #discofunk #funk #jazzfunk #cyndivinyl Instagram ดารา @cyndiseui 33

I'm with Fwends last Friday night....I love them #fwends Instagram ดารา @cyndiseui 37

Been waiting for this one for awhile....Alfonzo is rare boogie that inspired by MJ #Alfonzo #boogie #discofunk #cyndivinyl Instagram ดารา @cyndiseui 4

I found 4 of our very first Kitsch Cat label t -shirt from my storage room and unfortunately they are all breaking into a dust when u touch it #Kitschcat #CyndiSeui #80s #electro #electropop #nudisco Instagram ดารา @cyndiseui 43

Funk tank #mandrill #jazzfunk #afrofunk #funk #discofunk #cyndivinyl Instagram ดารา @cyndiseui 25

Working session at Skytone Studio #CyndiSeui #skytoneBKK #skytonestudioBKK #Kitschcat Instagram ดารา @cyndiseui 27

Bernard work in 1983 #bernardWright #electro #electrofunk #electroboogie #cyndivinyl Instagram ดารา @cyndiseui 28

Finally got it #mTume #boogie #boogiefunk #discofunk #digitalSoul #CyndiSeui Instagram ดารา @cyndiseui 29

Something never change I still his work wicked awesome from the day I bought the tape then in another 4 year I bought a cd til now I got his original press #djShadow #awesomeness Instagram ดารา @cyndiseui 15

Something never change I still his work wicked awesome from the day I bought the tape then in another 4 year I bought a cd til now I got his original press #djShadow #awesomeness Instagram ดารา @cyndiseui 15

Let's work Philo......let's work #babyPhilo #loveMywifeFIRNloveMybabyPHILO Instagram ดารา @cyndiseui 24

I used this to play my live set for my first album"Micro Bitz Life" in the year 2005 #faderFOX #midiController #CyndiSeui #microBitzLife Instagram ดารา @cyndiseui 19

Skytone at work #skytoneBKK #skytonestudioBKK #workflow #workisallaround #studio #musicproduction #musicproducer #music #musicComposer #recording #studioflow #studiolife Instagram ดารา @cyndiseui 49

Fwends with Cyndi Seui at Skytone Studio #CyndiSeui #fwends #musicproducer Instagram ดารา @cyndiseui 19

Topping the last guitar recording session for Fwends lastest singles.....Produced, co-arrange, mix and master by Cyndi Seui #CyndiSeui #skytoneBKK #skytonestudioBKK #fwends Instagram ดารา @cyndiseui 32