Dinner of champions! #burgerandfries #ohyeah #fullbellies #happyppl Next stop: foot massage! Who's with us? Instagram ดารา @cindysirinya 707

Bored on set. #AsNTM4 #killerheels #louboutins Instagram ดารา @cindysirinya 49

Green Day. Instagram ดารา @cindysirinya 316

Breakin' a sweat #offday #backindagym Instagram ดารา @cindysirinya 305

Interesting. Instagram ดารา @cindysirinya 280

Aimless wandering brought me here. I guess it's time for some culture. Instagram ดารา @cindysirinya 397

Had to be done. Tree pose in pool against nighttime Singapore skyline.... #thereyouhaveit Instagram ดารา @cindysirinya 515

Got my accessories of choice from @mcldesign on set today of #AsNTM4 and ready for action! @asntmofficial Instagram ดารา @cindysirinya 298

Oh I'm the happiest Christmas Tree! Ho Ho Ho Hee Hee Hee! Pretty cute partner you got yourself there, daughter dearest #christmaspageant #churchperformance #christmastree Instagram ดารา @cindysirinya 872

For those of you who liked my work on "Serina" but don't have the space for a 1.5m elephant in your home or office, you can now own a smaller replica of my artwork! Available at Elephant Parade pop up store at Paragon until Dec 18, then at Asiatique. Proceeds go direct to elephant conservation projects under the #elephantparade #elephantparade2015 #elephantparadebangkok #anantara #elephantconservation #serina #bishopfamilycreations #handpainted #elephantart @anantara_hotels @elephantparadefan Instagram ดารา @cindysirinya 472

Baby Pasha's pre Christmas lunch with the Aunties ️ #newbabytoplaywith! Instagram ดารา @cindysirinya 995

Me want cookie! #cookiemonster #sesamestreetrocks #nevergetsold #chocchipanyone? Instagram ดารา @cindysirinya 1,200

Nuff said. Instagram ดารา @cindysirinya 397

วันที่ 12-13 ธันวาคมนี้ พบกับ Mama's Secret ได้ที่งาน Wintermarketfest สุขุมวิท 77 นะค้าาา งานเริ่มเวลา14.00-22.00น. อย่าลืมมาพบกันนะคะ #mamassecretthai #mamas_secret Instagram ดารา @cindysirinya 165

Wait, what??!! Had sooo much fun with you today @ilovegeorgina #AsNTM4 #staytuned Instagram ดารา @cindysirinya 486

So excited to be working with my dear friend, mentor & fashion photographer extraordinaire from Thailand @natprakobsantisuk #teamThailand #AsNTM4 Instagram ดารา @cindysirinya 325

Party for a Cause! This Sat 12, Dec @ Kudeta, BKK with Freeland Foundation. Show your support and help in the conservation of wildlife. As always, it's set to be The Party of the Year, with amazing prizes to be won, including exclusive packages from Soneva and Sri Panwa. So suit up and party Bond style woooooo! #BlackTie007charity #Freeland #kudetabangkok #FinFree #FinFreeThailand #tryintofitthatallinfifteensecondsiscrazybutididit Instagram ดารา @cindysirinya 705

Panel on Point! #dreamteam #AsNTM4 #starworld_asia Instagram ดารา @cindysirinya 566