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snapchat : chompooaraya

@giambattistapr 🌞 #cannes2015 Instagram ดารา @chomismaterialgirl 25,194

#cannes2015 #yesWeCannes #becauseWeCannes #lorealparisofficial #lorealparisthailand @lorealparisofficial @lorealparisthailand Instagram ดารา @chomismaterialgirl 25,720

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thank u @giambattistapr for this sweetest dress... makeup by @charlottewillermakeup hair by @dayaruci... thank u @lorealparisthailand @hwanjeabjeab @pom_vinij #besteamever and most of all... thx to my thai fans.... for your love n support... i wouldnt hv made it here without u guys.. #iwillmakeuproud #Cannes2015 #yesWeCannes @lorealparisofficial #lorealparisofficial Instagram ดารา @chomismaterialgirl 19,784

more than readyyyyy !!! #cannes2015 #itSmyCannes #becuasewecannes#insidecannes #lorealista @lorealparisofficial @lorealparisthailand Instagram ดารา @chomismaterialgirl 36,928

loving my new #colorriche in magnolia irreverent @lorealparisofficial #cannes2015 #yesWeCannes #becauseWeCannes #itSmyCannes Instagram ดารา @chomismaterialgirl 45,817

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@puu_kitipat u make us proud Instagram ดารา @chomismaterialgirl 5,121

#pureRuby @lorealparisthailand makeup by @pom_vinij hair by @dayaruci #becauseWeCannes Instagram ดารา @chomismaterialgirl 28,548

@gildakoralflora @koralcommunication @ashistudio Instagram ดารา @chomismaterialgirl 41,134

@chopard #cannes2015 #itSmyCannes #yesWeCannes #becauseWeCannes #lorealista hair by @dayaruci makeup by @pom_vinij Instagram ดารา @chomismaterialgirl 17,228

thank u @ashistudio #ashistudio @koralcommunication #hautecouture #ss2015 for this amazing gown earings by @chopard #Cannes2015 #lorealparismakeup #itSmyCannes #yesWeCannes #becauseWeCannes #lorealth #lorealparis #lorealparisTH #lorealparisthailand #lorealthailand #chompooaraya #chomincannes one of my fav shots from @hwanjeabjeab Instagram ดารา @chomismaterialgirl 18,505

#Cannes2015 #lorealparismakeup #itSmyCannes #yesWeCannes #becauseWeCannes #lorealth #lorealparis #lorealparisTH #lorealparisthailand #lorealthailand #chompooaraya #chomincannes Instagram ดารา @chomismaterialgirl 40,917

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🌞🌞🌞 #cannes2015 #itSmyCannes #yesWeCannes #becauseWeCannes #LorealParisTH #lorealparisthailand @lorealparisthailand by @mhunoiii Instagram ดารา @chomismaterialgirl 29,502

favorite room at martinez!!!! with @michaelangelnyc #cannes2015 #insidecannes #yesWeCannes #lorealista Instagram ดารา @chomismaterialgirl 24,225

@lorealparisthailand #lorealparisthailand #lorealista #cannes2015 #yesWeCannes #itSmyCannes @tombachik Instagram ดารา @chomismaterialgirl 21,643

here we go again !!! @dayaruci #cannes2015 #itSmyCannes #yesWeCannes #insidecannes #lorealista #LorealParisTH #chominCannes #lorealparismakeup @lorealparisthailand Instagram ดารา @chomismaterialgirl 31,037

it's today!! #itSmyCannes #cannes2015 #yesWeCannes #insidecannes #lorealista #LorealParisTH #lorealparismakeup @lorealparisthailand Instagram ดารา @chomismaterialgirl 20,057

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