Blurry always means it's a great night! @tayastarling #familiarface #thankgod #LA Instagram ดารา @charinas 269

Vegan Mexican Cuisine #cleaneating #alldayerrday Instagram ดารา @charinas 82

Good morning Los Angeles! #sunnyLA #nevergonnalosemytan Instagram ดารา @charinas 153

Post workout meal by me #eggwhites #frittata #spinach #abocado #cleaneating Instagram ดารา @charinas 172

Finally! I'm a member of an awesome gym and totally surrounded by fit and inspiring people #iloveequinox #cleanliving #WeHo Instagram ดารา @charinas 34

Lean clean meal #Erewhon #newfav #organicsupermarket #weho #cleaneating #cleanliving Instagram ดารา @charinas 71

Back at Kippy's! #healthyicecream #rawhoney #nosugar #vegan #nondairy Instagram ดารา @charinas 75

Selfie warrrrrrr @kalorin @topnathasedh #iamonmywaytogaybar #lol Instagram ดารา @charinas 148

Succulent, juicy, flavorful, delicious, delectable, pefectly cooked... U name it #steak #ribeye #cognacmustardsauce Instagram ดารา @charinas 137

Let the weekend begin 😎 Instagram ดารา @charinas 237

Welcome to sunny LA baby! @mewpie Instagram ดารา @charinas 236

Mini sweet treat with double espresso #preworkout #littlethings #makemehappy Instagram ดารา @charinas 139

All day, err day 😎 #beenalongday #wellworthit #productive Instagram ดารา @charinas 146

Not allowed to take selfies but this will do. Robert Downey Jr. #TheJudge #calilife #LosAngeles #iloveuinironman Instagram ดารา @charinas 159

Side job.... #TheJudge world premier. Robert Downey JR. Robert Duvall coming on this black carpet soon! Instagram ดารา @charinas 172

Filling my own tank yo! #calilife #LosAngeles Instagram ดารา @charinas 258

Watching and learning #workshop #acting Instagram ดารา @charinas 92

I'm staying put right here #hiking #thisisit #hangingwiththelocal #calilife #LosAngeles Instagram ดารา @charinas 200

Beast mode onnnnn Instagram ดารา @charinas 147

Definitely not mine.. But it's such a succulent looking burger I had to take a pic of it #preggarsfood #organicburger #briochebun Instagram ดารา @charinas 188