Instagram ดารา @charinas
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•Organic Paleo/Vegan Dessert chef •Bulletproof Ambassador •kundalini yogi •Thai/Dominican mutt •aka Bubbles Snap me at: charina_s

Waiting for the sun gazing moment ️ #Mojavedesert #joshuatree #desertlife #greatday #grateful #gratitude #bestdayever #alldayerrday #goodvibesonly Instagram ดารา @charinas 149

Happiest when I'm in the middle of nowhere #desertlife #Mojavedesert #joshuatree #onewithnature #greatday #grateful #gratitude #bestdayever #alldayerrday Instagram ดารา @charinas 274

Alright... I admit I had a small photo shoot in the desert #photosby @asaptown #desertlife #joshuatree #Mojavedesert #goodlife #gratitude #grateful #bestdayever #alldayerrday Instagram ดารา @charinas 136

Can't get over the magic of nature #Mojavedesert #joshuatree #onewithnature #desertlife #gratitude #grateful #goodlife Instagram ดารา @charinas 130

Kanlayanamitr = Meditating companions #goodvibesonly #kundalini #satnamfest #satnam #waheguru #hippyatheart #grateful #gratitude #goodlife #bestdayever Instagram ดารา @charinas 5

Absorbing nature's energy #rockformation #desertlife #joshuatree #onewithnature #grateful #gratitude #goodlife Instagram ดารา @charinas 269

Wondering #naturallight #nofilter #desertlife #onewithnature #positivebaby #goodvibesonly #calilife #joshuatree #bestdayever #alldayerrday Instagram ดารา @charinas 199

Desert adventurer #Mojavedesert #joshuatree #nationalpark #naturallight Photo Credit: @asaptown Instagram ดารา @charinas 190

Beast at home #desertlife #kundalini #meditation #yoga #satnamfest Instagram ดารา @charinas 79

Desert life... #joshuatree #meditationretreat #kundalini #satnamfest #waheguru #onewithnature #lifeisgreat #grateful #gratitude Instagram ดารา @charinas 253

Morning sun ️ #joshuatree #sunshine #tentlife #desert #onewithnature #kundalini #satnamfest #meditation #goodvibesonly Instagram ดารา @charinas 293

Beast man has tent building skillz #satnamfest #satnam #kundalini #onewithnature #joshuatree #desert Instagram ดารา @charinas 82

Weekend of meditation #satnamfest #kundalini #goodvibesonly #waheguru Instagram ดารา @charinas 38

Desert exploring starts now 😎🏽🏽 #satnam #waheguru #satnamfest #kundalini #meditation Instagram ดารา @charinas 209

Sat Nam... #fingerscross #waheguru #positivebaby #goodvibesonly #grateful #gratitude #focus #reachinggoals Instagram ดารา @charinas 161

Well deserved meal after a long day Instagram ดารา @charinas 188

The day is not over with these rad individuals 😎 #funstuff #RoberMondavi #commercial #shootday #grateful #gratitude #bestdayever Instagram ดารา @charinas 231

Getting ready #RoberMondavi #commercial #shootday #grateful #gratitude #bestdayever Instagram ดารา @charinas 145

Set life #commercial #shootday #RoberMondavi #bestdayever #grateful #gratitude #positivebabies Instagram ดารา @charinas 140

Just rolling around on this gloomy day #lovemylife #naturallight #nofilter #grateful #gratitude #bestdayever Instagram ดารา @charinas 99

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