Instagram ดารา @champtheartist
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Life without music is a mistake! Support thai artists! Team LP:HP DJ/MC: MET107FM || Singer/songwriter/producer : Gmm Grammy For work: 081-753-9855

Today's mission: finish recording my new single...coming soon #soulfulmusic #supportthaiartists #loveismusic #newsingle @bugkung @lexdrummer @oaksterme @loveis_news @met107fm Instagram ดารา @champtheartist 0

Nite of the living dead!! @carlaporter @deejayono @mike1611 @supamarkk @splendidchick @yingriwin @mappest @meli_courtney Instagram ดารา @champtheartist 0

Met DJs in full effect! @met107fm @mappest @djbomme_met107 @supamarkk @deejayono @richardritch Instagram ดารา @champtheartist 0

Leading the Met 107 ghost army @boatjamorn with his sexy spirits @carlaporter @meli_courtney @splendidchick @darling_xoxo Instagram ดารา @champtheartist 0

And so the nite daylight is devoured by darkness...the evil spirits are unleashed into the Horror Network Party! @met107fm happy Halloween people! Instagram ดารา @champtheartist 0

Simply mouth watering!! Thx to @thaveesakvilai_prince for the recommendation coz I needed to snatch a quick bite before my radio show @met107fm 16:00-19:00!! Instagram ดารา @champtheartist 0

Another pic of my beautiful besties and boo!! @itzpeach @ou_uh @dailycherie @taymee #thebuttonup Instagram ดารา @champtheartist 0

Friendly faces!! @therealkruart @djpk @ou_uh @dailycherie Instagram ดารา @champtheartist 0

Congrats to my bestie @ou_uh on her successful fashion show! @itzpeach #thebuttonup Instagram ดารา @champtheartist 0

Lunch alone again... #ribeyesteak #howcanyouenjoyitalone #gottaeat #pamperingmyself #wishihadalunchdate Instagram ดารา @champtheartist 0

Not even Halloween yet but the dead are starting to haunt me!! Nite of the living dead!! @therealkruart @noproutebkk @met107fm @carlaporter @deejayono Instagram ดารา @champtheartist 0

Dinner and dessert with great company @therealkruart and Debbie!! Instagram ดารา @champtheartist 0

Been sick all day wasn't able to go to work...then suddenly while I was at the heart started to beat faster and I seem to feel better because of this!! The new IPad mini- OMG!! Me wants! Instagram ดารา @champtheartist 0

It all started with our shisha guru @carlaporter showing us the correct way to smoke and make smoke all of us gave it a try and what do u made our nite!! @itzpeach @therealkruart @kpphai Instagram ดารา @champtheartist 0

Done with soundcheck done with dinner and ready for Tonite's concert with @2popetorn @kevinbiddle @smoothmellowdii @kongsaxymood @cowsaranrom Instagram ดารา @champtheartist 0

TU-BAS REUNION!! Boyz will be Boyz!! Instagram ดารา @champtheartist 0

Home-made Kra-pao Kobe beef @fluke777 very juicy! U should put it on your menu!! It just kinda slowly melts in my mouth!! Instagram ดารา @champtheartist 0

Exactly 40 years amazing love story took place at the Thai Consulate in was the day my Daddy took my Mommy by the hand and decided to make one vow- that vow was to love and cherish each other for the rest of their lives...Happy 40th Anniversary mom and dad- your love inspires me Instagram ดารา @champtheartist 0

Today's mission: judging for a singing competition! Thx to my big lil' bro @tod_theerawat Instagram ดารา @champtheartist 0

Today marks the 40th Anniversary of my church- Church of Thailand! Woohoo!! Instagram ดารา @champtheartist 0

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