이태리 쌀+이태리 햄+한국 김치와의 만남... ㅠㅠ 눈물나게 맛있다 ㅠㅠ 흐흑 ㅠㅠ 눈물나 ㅠㅠㅠㅠ 고마워 미영쌤 ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ Instagram ดารา @boakwon 2,815

Super spontaneous!! With #giuseppezanotti @firenze4ever Instagram ดารา @boakwon 1,068

눈부시다~~~~~!!!!!!! #firenze Instagram ดารา @boakwon 11,869

#wow #florence #duomo Instagram ดารา @boakwon 2,432

Kind of..........??? Instagram ดารา @boakwon 1,386

#complicated Instagram ดารา @boakwon 2,684

열심히 찍느라.. 정작 내 사진은 요고 하나네 하하하.. ㅎㅎ Instagram ดารา @boakwon 19,359

Happy new year!! Instagram ดารา @boakwon 10,154

모두모두 새해 복 많이 받으세요 ^^ 2015년도 알차게 보내고싶다.. 昨日はHey Hey Heyにも久々に出演してとっても楽しい時間を過ごせました!ありがとうございます来年も頑張りますねー 2015년도 화이티응!! ^^ Instagram ดารา @boakwon 9,598

garçon meets frozen!! Lei it go~~ let it go~~ Instagram ดารา @boakwon 5,295

보는 나까지 졸리다 파마야 😴😴 Instagram ดารา @boakwon 2

Dang!!! I fixed this!!!!!! Woooooow!!!! Instagram ดารา @boakwon 10,942

Ok.. I don't know either.. Just listening to "can't help but wait" Instagram ดารา @boakwon 9,260

Anyone can fix this out??????? #help me key commands are gone!!!!! Instagram ดารา @boakwon 9,987

미리미리 크리스마스 기분~~ Instagram ดารา @boakwon 19,377

이 책은 참 봐도 봐도 배울게 많다... 마법의 순간이라... 매 순간이고 싶다 ㅎㅎ Instagram ดารา @boakwon 6,021

좋은 글은 나눠요음!! Instagram ดารา @boakwon 6,793

빅매치 촬영중에 유일하게 남아있는 영상 ㅎㅎ 겨울 내내 추위와 싸우며 고생하신 최호감독님 심보경 대표님 이정재 선배님 모두 감사하고.. 또 감사드려요!! 빅매치 대박을 기원하며 영상 잼께 봐주시고,, 영화도 많이많이 봐주세욤~~^^ Instagram ดารา @boakwon 18,893