เข้าระบบด้วย Facebook
Pit stop , The Hoover Dam . Instagram ดารา @ase_wang 750
#wuwangclan does Vegas New Year 2015 @thelisa_s @thatdanielwu @ernsteverywhere Instagram ดารา @ase_wang 530
Count down to this booty shaker #jlo #vegas #wuwangclan #NY2014 Instagram ดารา @ase_wang 458
Nothing like starting 2015 with a little J.LO thanks @thelisa_s @thatdanielwu for making it happen Instagram ดารา @ase_wang 878
#wuwangclan takes on Vegas #NY2014 . Ringing in the new year with the Fam @thelisa_s . @ernsteverywhere @thatdanielwu Instagram ดารา @ase_wang 596
Who would have thought .... Vegas Baby #wuwangclan #vegas #NY2014 @thelisa_s @ernsteverywhere Instagram ดารา @ase_wang 618
Happy New Year all , kicking down that door for 2015 . Ringing it in Instagram ดารา @ase_wang 267
I love my fellow co - judges but sometimes ..... It ain't all rosy . catch next weeks Supermodel me on NBC Diva Universal at 8 pm Hong Kong / Singapore / Malaysia / Philippines Time and 7 pm Thailand Time . @thelisa_s @domjlau #supermodelme #judges #asia Instagram ดารา @ase_wang 79
Catch us Supermodel me judges on Season 5 every Monday's on NBC DIVA UNIVERSAL at 8 pm Hong Kong / Singapore / Malaysia / Philippines Time and 7 pm Thailand Time . #supermodelme #judges #asia @thelisa_s @domjlau Instagram ดารา @ase_wang 287
26 th Dec ... Today marks 10 years since the Tsunami happened in Thailand ..... Thailand my thoughts are with you today Instagram ดารา @ase_wang 163
Xmas food and decor at home . Instagram ดารา @ase_wang 185
The left over Xmas dinner at home @ernsteverywhere @thedonna @jerrymeng Instagram ดารา @ase_wang 354
This baby girl @thedonna #home #xmas Instagram ดารา @ase_wang 243
Thanks @missuzuki and @e_____c___ for the Xmas gifts #LA Instagram ดารา @ase_wang 331
The scandis #momma @kamekam Instagram ดารา @ase_wang 265
Xmas eve dinner at home with Mammas cooking @missuzuki @janaeroubleau @e_____c___ @ernsteverywhere @kamekam @jerrymeng @jamesmaby Instagram ดารา @ase_wang 307
Xmas eve dinner at home with friends and Fam . #la Instagram ดารา @ase_wang 324
Xmas eve dinner at home with my baby girl @janaeroubleau Instagram ดารา @ase_wang 287
My cupids , thanks for coming over for Xmas Eve dinner @missuzuki @e_____c___ #family Instagram ดารา @ase_wang 237
We ready at home #LA Instagram ดารา @ase_wang 506