F1 baby!!! Instagram ดารา @ananda_everingham 0

In Singapore watching the F1.. buck naked.. Instagram ดารา @ananda_everingham 0

Back to work..would rather be back in Sapa Instagram ดารา @ananda_everingham 0

She'll be in London tomorrow..@manatsanun_p Instagram ดารา @ananda_everingham 0

Flew on a rainbow all the way back to Bkk! #rainbow#clouds Instagram ดารา @ananda_everingham 0

Last day in Sapa, be back soon I'm sure.. Next time on my bike! Instagram ดารา @ananda_everingham 0

One more pic before bed.. This one is a Hmong tribes girl that just happen to walk through my frame #vietnam #hmong#tribe#girl Instagram ดารา @ananda_everingham 0

A view from Cat Cat village just outside Sapa town Vietnam.. Cat Cat love that name! #vietnam#sapa#catcat#village#landscape Instagram ดารา @ananda_everingham 0

View from the room at Sapa Vietnam.. a lot more European than I expected Instagram ดารา @ananda_everingham 0

Hanoi here we go again.. Instagram ดารา @ananda_everingham 0

Next contender for Buakaows belt.. don't know if I'm gonna win this one Instagram ดารา @ananda_everingham 0

Working on the crib.. I'm homeless at the moment Instagram ดารา @ananda_everingham 0

Had our radio station party last night.. crazy crazy hungover Instagram ดารา @ananda_everingham 0

Perfect weather up in Chiang Mai today.. mmmm marshmellows.. Instagram ดารา @ananda_everingham 0

The PR team has been working us down to the bone.. so get up and go watch our movie Shambhala in theatres now!! @99_stepstoshambhala @fonn_nalinthip @ase_wang @sunny_suwanmethanont Instagram ดารา @ananda_everingham 0

P Lek greasy cafe played at our premier @99_stepstoshambhala @fonn_nalinthip @sunny_suwanmethanont @ase_wang @greasycafe Instagram ดารา @ananda_everingham 0

Greatest armpit ever.. Instagram ดารา @ananda_everingham 0

Lights camera action.. its premier time. Shambhala is in theatres tomorrow!! Instagram ดารา @ananda_everingham 0

Renovating my new crib.. Instagram ดารา @ananda_everingham 0

Who says its not fun when it rains.. Instagram ดารา @ananda_everingham 0