Runnin the walls all day @ediphotoeye Instagram ดารา @anananwar 547

Couple more tricks by the pool #seagway #selfbalancingscooter #airboard #hoverboard #uwheels #whatthehell is the official name for this shit? #rollerblades? Instagram ดารา @anananwar 1,319

Jammin out by the water on my hovercraft 😎 #bangkoksunsetvibes Instagram ดารา @anananwar 406

Sneaky bastard kept trying to steal my hat. @ediphotoeye Instagram ดารา @anananwar 1,876

Grab it #nceinc @ediphotoeye Instagram ดารา @anananwar 703

Happy new year everybody! 2016 marks the year I will have been training jumping off shit for 10 years! #doubledigits #teamfarang Instagram ดารา @anananwar 1,631

CATtitude, the original #nofucksgiven Instagram ดารา @anananwar 1,324

This year had me like... Instagram ดารา @anananwar 1,461

Skimmed the wall on that last one a bit @bouncethailand Instagram ดารา @anananwar 624

Getting the hang of runnin the wall @bouncethailand Instagram ดารา @anananwar 1,538

More jumpies @bouncethailand Instagram ดารา @anananwar 1,880

Goin off the walls @bouncethailand @bounceinc #runningonglass Instagram ดารา @anananwar 581

Trying out the fresh new tramps at @bouncethailand Gonna be spending so much time here I think Instagram ดารา @anananwar 1,359

Beautiful garden on one side, 10 story drop on the other. Instagram ดารา @anananwar 2,249

Dis track super dope, had to share. Instagram ดารา @anananwar 516

Cabin pressures over rated. Instagram ดารา @anananwar 1,854

Ready for take off. @ediphotoeye Instagram ดารา @anananwar 1,622

Hangin about @wonderfruitfestival #wonderfruit2015 Instagram ดารา @anananwar 704