Instagram ดารา @anananwar
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Freerunner by day, sleeper by night.

Generally quite fabulous! @ployarin #roofcult Instagram ดารา @anananwar 0

Apparently, not an appropriate passport photo. Instagram ดารา @anananwar 0

Exploring the wilderness... Nah jk, totally just behind my car park. #merica #fastbreakbags Instagram ดารา @anananwar 0

#selfie Am I doing it right? Instagram ดารา @anananwar 0

Seems like @storror have a package for me... ASS. Instagram ดารา @anananwar 0

" where ideas come together to have sex... Mutant baby ideas..." Instagram ดารา @anananwar 0

@thejasonpaul is quite the eccentric photographer... Likes to strip down during a photo shoot. Instagram ดารา @anananwar 0

#100%fakepimpin happy house warming! Instagram ดารา @anananwar 0

Who don't got love for @tempestfreerunning ? #comingsoon Instagram ดารา @anananwar 0

#farangclothing we've had some speed bumps, but y'all making it happen. Instagram ดารา @anananwar 0

There seems to be a monster terrorizing this small woodblock recreation of Bangkok. #godzilla #iphonemonsters #runforyourlife Instagram ดารา @anananwar 0

"...then he asked me if I ever heard of Damian Walters before." Instagram ดารา @anananwar 0

Hurt wrist, can't Freerun. Looks like I'll just have to stay home and... Oh wait. No f****** chance. Instagram ดารา @anananwar 0

How Sundays should be spent. Instagram ดารา @anananwar 0

Who's a good monkey? YOU ARE! #nevergrowup #farangclothing Instagram ดารา @anananwar 0

To cool for school. Instagram ดารา @anananwar 0

Screw reality, I is gunslinger now, kthxbai! Instagram ดารา @anananwar 0

Make yourself stream line on the way to the top, and wear a good deodorant. Instagram ดารา @anananwar 0

Sometimes it's more easy to explain then people make out #justsayin Instagram ดารา @anananwar 0

As far as team photos go... Pretty good. #readyforthailakorn #teamfarang #farangclothing2014? Instagram ดารา @anananwar 0

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