โพสต์เมื่อ 24 พ.ค. 2558 | 01:59 น.

Miley Cyrus
if yiew get tired of da fweakyness go 2 @happyhippiefdn CHANGES lives of homeless/LGBT youth! GET MY FREE ALBUM!
ของ ไมลีย์ ไซรัส

When yiew karaoke wit bae @tywrent ughhh @arianagrande where werrrrrr u with dem vocalzzzzz; -
I like pizza because it implies a party @sarahbarthel @cheythom @vijatm @bradleykennetheyewear @sirjohnnydanger @katyweaver @waynecoyne5; -
Secrets Secrets are no fun unless they're shared with biew biew biew @cheythom; -
Lazzzzzzzz night ; -
Swaggin on em soooo heavy in da a.m. @happyhippiefdn;
We up!!!! ️️️️; -
I've got an old school Leo look goin on + pizza bed + puppy dawgggg = #daladieslurvleo #daladieslurvpizza #daladieslurvpuppydawgs @cheythom #youngleoyoungleo; -
SKNSC @shantiombb; -
I am not myself today ; -
& the shrine grows @waynecoyne5 @katyweaver @twinkleswinkle @joanjett @shantiombb;
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