โพสต์เมื่อ 30 ม.ค. 2558 | 10:58 น.

The Rock (Dwayne Johnson)
ของ เดอะร็อค (ดเวย์น จอห์นสัน)

Things got a bit heated between myself and former @NBA All Star Kenny Anderson. I care and give a sh*t enough to speak the truth to him. I know he'd do the same for me. We all get knocked down in life.. We all earn that shot to get back up. TOMORROW NIGHT on #WakeUpCall #KennyAnderson 9pm on TNT.; -
#WakeUpCall Season finale this FRIDAY on TNT. As a coach I teach my players 3 rules of the game: Outwork your opponent. Dominate your opponent. And chew the hell outta your biceps when you're fired up. Had a blast coaching but more importantly TEACHING these great kids a few lessons of life I've picked up along the way. #BeHumble #BeHungry #HaveFun #CoachRockNeedsAValium #SeasonFinale #WakeUpCall; -
G'd up. Big Vern, Fat Reg & Soulman Spence. #OnSet #BALLERS #HBO #Miami My boys @donovanw.carter @reallondonbrown Everything is everything...; -
"We keep the hustle real and the ballin' hard" #OnSet #BALLERS #HBO #Miami My boys @donovanw.carter @reallondonbrown; -
She got that #RockGame on fleek. @victoriajustice @jimmyfallon #EyebrowAndTongueControl #SoundsLikeMyChatroomName #MissVictoriaIsABadAss;
Intimidated? #Nah #ActuallySometimesAroundBrownies #AndWomen; -
Just for the record, when I get on an @nba court.. Rock don't "flop";). This week on #WakeUpCall... All too often pro athletes struggle with adjusting to life after their playing days are over. I go one on one with former NBA All Star Kenny Anderson, to help him get that fire and passion back in his life to do one of the things he loves - coaching kids. And hopefully - more importantly - to become an ever better father and husband. A GREAT episode to watch, cause the great lessons we learn in sports are what we can always apply to life. #GrowFromOurWins #GrowEvenMoreFromOurLosses #ThisFriday #WakeUpCall #OnTNT; -
Rumble rumble... #ThankYouPhilly #ThankYouWWEUniverse #HeartStoppin #ElbowDroppin #CheesesteakSammichesAintSlowMyFlow; -
And the people went bananas... Me and J-Fizzle Fallon kickin' off a very cool new show called #LipSyncBattle #HeChanneledHisInnerMadonna #IChanneledMyInnerTaylorSwift #WeBothChanneledEstrogen #OnlyOneManWalksAwayChampion #ThisApril #SpikeTV #LipSyncBattle #TappingIntoMyInnerTayTay; -
In town and always gotta stop by the neighborhood... #SouthPhilly;
Sometimes we care about the faces we make... and sometimes we're fresh out of f*cks to give. #ImFreshOut #ClanginAndBangin #DevilsPlayground #ChaseYourGreatness #OrYourSexyFace; -
"Well I don't really know except you're free.." Wooten's Airboat Tours is in the heart of our beloved Everglades. TONIGHT this business gets a much needed #WakeUpCall 9pm on TNT. #AndHellYeahIDriveAirboats; -
"We ain't heavy.. we're brothers" #Hobbs #Dom #Favelas #FBF FAST 7 coming soon...; -
Took me and my buddies bout 15min to get this stubborn sumbitch out of the water. Tough one but he settled his ass down once I jumped on him though. #IDontMindGettinBitByAGator #JustDontBiteMyFace #IAlreadyExfoliated #UsFloridaBoys #HaveADifferentWayOfHavinFun; -
Just as lovely and fun in person. #TheTeigs #GreatChick @chrissyteigen;
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