โพสต์เมื่อ 18 ม.ค. 2558 | 21:12 น.

The Rock (Dwayne Johnson)
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Told my brotha @antoniobrown84 when he goes down as one of the greatest NFL WR's of all time, he can then become an action star. #FlashingHisMillionDollarSmile #MySmileSays #TimeToSlapTheShitOuttaSomeone #ClanginAndBangin #TrainingLikeBeasts #84AB #7PeoplesChamp #RienziStrength; -
Tell 'em step off I'm doin' the hump... #YouKnowShitsCrazy #IronParadise #AKADevilsPlayground #LegsFeelLikeStraightJello #StillRockinTheHumptyDance; -
Happy Birthday Champ! @muhammadali #GOAT #AndTheAfroKid #WhoClearlyCouldvePassedForALittleGirl #ThankGodForPuberty #HappyBirthdayChamp; -
This family hooked my heart! TONIGHT on #WakeUpCall The Mason family were evicted and forced to live in a small motel room. Times so hard they had to remove their baby girl's braces with a pair of pliers cause they couldn't afford to go to the dentist. I'm no stranger to evictions and many of us have had tough times. We came to help this beautiful family get thru THEIR TOUGH TIMES. You'll witness their amazing strength TONIGHT on #WakeUpCall #9pm #OnTNT #RealPeople #RealChange; -
Since me and my brotha @JuicyJ started our careers in Memphis at the same time - back when I was wrestling for $40 bucks a match in flea markets and he was grindin' in those streets with his music - I had to bring in him for this FRIDAY'S powerful #WakeUpCall cause he knows the struggle too. Get after your goals, work your ass off, but above all else - FAMILY FIRST. #MemphisInTheHouse #BloodSweatAndRespect #WakeUpCall;
This FRIDAY NIGHT I go man to man for Gary's #WakeUpCall... Sometimes as men we get a little lost along the way...putting our careers before our family. I've been there and know the damage it causes. I also know how powerful it is when we finally realize that being a great man, means putting in the great effort to be there for your family. At one point or another all us men trip on our f*cked up flaws, but it's the EFFORT to get better that can make us great. This FRIDAY NIGHT - a very powerful #WakeUpCall #EffortMatters; -
To quote my homegirl... #YourSelfieGameBeOnFleekDaddy #HowIRollMama #CustomMadeFromHeadToToe #IncludingTheFlyHublot #OnSet #HBO #BALLERS; -
To quote my homegirl... #YourSelfieGameBeOnFleekDaddy #HowIRollMama #CustomMadeFromHeadToToe #IncludingTheFlyHublot #OnSet #HBO #BALLERS; -
It's official... #Smackdown has moved to THURSDAY NIGHTS. It's also official that since the show was created in my honor I'll be happy to "Lay the Smackdown" on anyone's candy ass on any day that ends with "Y". Enjoy the show.. #Smackdown #ThursdayNights #WhereRockJokesLike #BottleOfSmirnoffShovedUpYourPutin #AndChewbaccasHairyBeanBag #WillAlwaysBeWelcomed; -
Always keepin' it cool... #PhotoBombingKing #CoolCatDaddy #WhilstLookingLikeAFuckingManiac;
But honey now I do.. and don't it make my brown eyes blue. #BuenasNochesFromALonelyRoom #CrystalGaylePlaysInTheAir #MyBrownEyesTurninBlue; -
This Friday night a very emotional and special #WakeUpCall This beautiful family on 5 had been evicted and forced to live in a small motel room. This is the moment I walked in the room and the mom hugged me and broke down in tears. I came to help and she knew change was going to happen for her family. This episode broke my heart 'cause I've been there. I know what it's like to be evicted and scared (many of you know this pain too). I also know what it's like to put in the work and have faith that one day things will get better. From my heart it was a pleasure to help this family through their tough times. This FRIDAY night you'll meet the inspiring Mason family on #WakeUpCall #9pm #OnTNT; -
Daily therapy. #WhereKettleBellsAreMyZoloft #AndItsAlwaysCheaperThanAShrink #Baller #ShotCaller #20InchBlades #OnTheImpala; -
"Sometimes, you get off track.. and sometimes you've had enough. But I won't live life blinded.. I feel I'm WAKING UP..." I was right there when @laurenhashianofficial sat down and wrote that lyric and within' an hour completely wrote #WakeUpCall's inspiring anthem... And we were all moved when Zac Clark @YoungVolcanoes powerfully brought the song to life. It's rare and very cool when a TV show and its anthem are equally uplifting and heartfelt. Thank you to this brilliant and hungry musical team. And most important - thank you all for watching our show. Amazing to see your reactions. #WakeUpCall #RealPeople #RealChange The songs titled "Wake Up" and is now available on ITunes. (I'll be singing covers of "Wake Up" whence my bottle of tequila comes out.); -
"My clients trust me with their crazy lives, but more importantly... they trust me with their money". #OnSet #BALLERS #HBO #TalkTheTalk #BallAndWalk;
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