โพสต์เมื่อ 5 พ.ย. 2557 | 12:18 น.

Brian Joo
K-Pop Entertainer, Fly to the Sky member, Owner of 4TP Fitness: CrossFit 4TP, Owner of Brian & Trianon Floral Cafe & Academy! God is GREAT!
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Thanks everyone for your overwhelming response to my last Automatic Body post. For those who missed it, here's how you can get your FREE program and samples: automaticbody.com, enter promo code BGMJ110; -
Getting ready for the first Floral Class for #brianandtrianon~ excited to all my fans create beauty~ 오늘 브라이언&뜨리아농 꽃 디자인 첫 수업 준비중~ 오늘 기대됩니다!! #brianjoo #브라이언 #gogreen; -
What an awesome #tbt pic of my cousin @mindy_ysj & me~ Even after all these years, we kick it~ Love you Mindy!! #familyfirst #crossfit #jerseyboy #jerseygirl; -
Meanwhile~ at my Flower shop^^ It's a stress free environment :) 지금 우리 @trianon 에서~ 오늘 꽃들 넘 예쁘다^^ #brianandtrianon; -
Hey y'all, so this is DEFINITELY happening! FlytotheSky & GUMMY in Concert in Pasadena, CA~ Nov. 29, 2014 (Sat.) 7p.m. I'm excited & hope y'all are as well!! #flytothesky #gummy #플라이투더스카이 #거미 #brianjoo #hwanhee #브라이언 #환희;
@kiehlskorea 너무 감사합니다^^ 잘 사용하겠습니다~ 이제 다시 피부관리 고고씽!! #kiehls #supersmartantiaging #foreveryoung #swag; -
오우~마이~갓!! 커피한잔과 맛난 디저트찾으신분들 여기 꼭 추천합니다^^ 치즈케이크 완전 맛있고~ 그리고 제가 학창시절에 즐겨먹었던 Funnel Cake도 있어용 ㅠ ㅠ 저 이제 앞으로 자주 가려구용^^ 진짜 맛 짱!! #sweeteast; -
What a great end to our #Continuum TOUR! Thanks to all the fans & all our staff... #flytothesky #플라이투더스카이 #brianjoo #hwanhee #브라이언 #환희; -
The 3 amigos~ See these homiez everyday and still can't get enough of them~ true #bromance #crossfit #community 이친구들 거의 매일 봐도 계속 보고싶은 2친구~ 전 이래서 크로스핏을 사랑해용!!; -
My first ever #tbt This one's from back in High School~ Now this pic explains everything about me! #jerseyboy #holyspiritshighschool #brianjoo #backintheday #mycrew;
With my homiez, Chad Wittman & Cody Hunter, at the CrossFit Sentinel IFC Official Launch event, acting like we're in High School & actin' a fool~ lol #crossfit #reebok #community; -
At the CrossFit Sentinel IFC Official Launch Event #crossfit #reebok; -
Two of my favorite people in life~ Show them love & support by following my brothers! 제가 사랑하고 아끼는 사람들중 2명... @jameshobart & @dnlmuntz 꼭 팔로우해주세용^^ 꼭!! 내 형제들~ #jameshobartexperience #crossfit; -
Tuesday night at the crib... Just chillaxin', watching my boy @jameshobart play some KILL ZONE before bed #brothafromanothamotha #nightcap #ps4 #killzone #crossfit; -
Dinner after our concert in Changwon~ 우리 창원 콘서트 끝나고 식사 타임^^ 고기고기 맛있다!! #flytothesky #hwanhee #brianjoo #환희 #브라이언 #플라이투더스카이 스;
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